Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I say Scranton, you say Scanton, let's call the whole thing off

Two days after its Feb. 4 publication, this is still on the Voice Web site. Stay classy, CV.


  1. Diocese of Scanton, presided over by Bishop Marino.

    I've got a few examples from both papers; one's a screamer when the advice columnist didn't get "count" right.

    Did someone here already mention the headline about the "grizzly hanging" recently when the guy's head came off?

    Over on the radio board, someone told about Harry West's famous "blow job" when he meant "blow dry."

  2. Scanton is in Lackawana County. CV don't do Lackawana, even if we're part of the same diocese.

  3. Scranton, Scanton. I say "The Armpit of Northeastern Pennsylvania."

  4. Are you saying that NEPA should be NEPooA? :)
