Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Weekender model of the week desktop wallpaper

Did you know you can now download your very own Weekender model of the week desktop wallpaper? The Internet is truly amazing.


  1. The fuckin 60 second commercial doesn't work.

  2. That may be the worst commercial ever made.

  3. She's hot...I don't think she's really from Scranton.

  4. Remember the Times-Journal, or whatever that awful weekly was called? The gynecologist Reichstein (right spelling?), who owned one of the west side shopping centers, put it out and every week there was a different pin-up. One week it was a Salvation Army woman, another week it was someone from the Anthracite Newstand.

  5. She's not even close to hot. She a short, cola crackin', thin lipped, weak voiced wannabee.

    Christ, a run by the local bus stop could have produced a better pitch person than that worthless first timer.

    What did they pay her in, the promise of more work? She has never done a TV spot before in her life. Hell, she couldn't even strip or do radio if she wanted. Talk about dead end.


    What a hack.

    1. Holy shit. Jealous much? You apparently stalked her life too.. psycho.

  6. De gustibus non est disputandum.

  7. I just heard Christine calling her about a job opening.

  8. You idiots. I think it's a Weekender contest. College kids make a Weekender promo spot and the paper then puts some of them up on their website. It's good promo for the paper, the young kiddies have fun with it, and it doesn't cost the paper a dime. Relax cynics. It's all for fun. Weren't ya ever young?

  9. So, What have we learned?

    The Model of the Week gets noticed by Times Shamrock employees...


    How's it feel to lock up 2nd place?

  10. You're searching for something cool. You're searching for someone hot. You're searching for something outrageous. You're looking to sell a 1987 Dodge Dart and a dinette set. You're looking for a minimum-wage job. You're looking for THE WEEKENDER!

  11. How's it feel to lock up 2nd place?

    And the battle between the three free area weeklies with little or no content heats up.

  12. Tragically hip. "Hey, who wants to play big city arts and entertainment newspaper?"

    I do like the Model of the Week reminds me of American Idol, the first three weeks anyway.

  13. 7:49 PM:
    Oh, right.
    I'm sure that all of the misfits and reprobates who post to this board would kick that young lady outa bed.

  14. The Weekender isn't what it used to be - although the models now are just as ugly as a few years ago. NEPA only has so many good looking girls.

  15. Gold star for use of the word "reprobates."

  16. AGAIN ... according to the Weekender, the commercial chick WAS NOT HIRED. It's a fucking contest. College kids make the spots and send them in, and the Weekender puts some of them up on their website. It's a fun thing, and cool marketing. You're talking about it, which is probably just what the Weekender wanted. As far as what's to read in The Weekender, you've got some revisionist history going on here. There was nothing to read in it for its first few years, but for the past five or six, they've been doing some decent stories. Editorially, it sucked in the '90s.

  17. Dear college kids:

    Please make bad commercials so we can put them on our website.

    If you know any porky, bucktoothed or generally trashy looking chicks let them know they can always be a model of the week. Motorcyles as props and career bartenders are a big hit.

    Please let any guys with tribal armband tattoos and rock hard gel hair know about it too. We have a page for them now as well.

    Oh yeah, we write real good stories now too - we only sucked in the 90's.

  18. Here we go again. The Weekender is not meant to be the penthouse of hournalism, just Penthouse. People do not read the Weekender, they look at the Model of the Week. How many have seen someone pick it up, look at the model and then put it back down?

  19. I always said they could just publish that one page and call it a day.

  20. Weekender: it is what it is... a harmless little weekly rag with a little T & A, and ads for plenty of places to get cheap beer and bad bar food. I'll rank it above Electric City, a publication that takes itself way too seriously. EC writers try to pass themselves off as part of the hip arts crowd. Hey, you're still in Scranton and no one cares.

  21. Weekender isn't as slutty as it used to be. The female models used to show more skin and had exotic poses instead of standing up straight and just giving a slight smile of the camera. And, as for Diamond City - it's all that crappy news from Lackawanna County. Those Irish at TS don't understand that Wilkes-Barre and surrounding towns are not in Lackawanna County.

  22. Yea the Weekender models suck now. I want some skin.

  23. 8:18PM has it right: when I want "hournalism" I look elsewhere.

    And I, too, question the idea that Weekender "readers" might actually be able to read.

  24. 8:18PM has it right: when I want "hournalism" I look elsewhere.

    ho' -ur(i)nal-ism

    Is that the study of where them gals give the Golden Showers?

  25. Be nice, folks. Kristina Hughes seems quite proud of her obvious boob job and just wants to show it off.

  26. They're real...and they're spectacular!

  27. Regarding EC taking itself too seriously. Give that man a cigar. You nailed it, they fancy themselves part of the hip art crowd. It's Scranton. There isn't a hip art crowd. There are, like the EC itself, just people playing "big city" and that's about it.

    Regarding the Weekender. It's nothing but the Model of the Week and that is consistently inconsistent. Once in a great while there's someone who deserves to have their picture taken and passed off as a model. The saving grace for the rest of them used to be the skin, but even that's been curtailed.

    Both papers, for the most part, wasting trees.

  28. You might not believe this--but I haven't looked inside either the Weekender or EC in years.

    I seem to remember both were heavy into ads for escort services and swingers. Am I mistaken?

    Not that there are any "artistes" within 100 miles of this area--but would any one of them seriously be expected to read either handout? I took them to be the "Penny Shopper" for porn addicts.

  29. The Weekender is the most recognizable media brand in NEPA...and the only one that solidly connects with its target audience.

  30. 10:29, the most recognizable media brand? I can rattle off five media "brands" that are more recognizable without even breaking a sweat and if you want to include "blasts from the past", that brings it to ten. You said media brands, right?

    And if by target audience you mean people who believe that because they are holding something made of paper that happens to be full of "models", strip club ads, tattoo ads, and poorly written features, then they are reading a paper with which they identify, then homerun!

  31. UGH! Check out this week's model!


  32. Ya know, I thought maybe you were just being a wiseass but I took a look. Wow.

    And how about the chick on the cover? I bet she's proud as all get out that seeing her face wasn't at all necessary.

  33. In my opinion, that cover was photo shopped.
