Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Times-Tribune overhauls Web site

This was announced more than a week ago, but here is the 'story' about the new and improved Scranton Times-Tribune Web site. Interactive media boss Matt Haggerty and Web editor Edward Pikulski are both quoted in the unbylined piece.


  1. Nice job to the TT. It's a great improvement.

  2. Uh oh. Game on. Looks like the Times has kicked it up about 10 notches. If you want to play now you better get a bigger, better toy.

  3. “We wanted something that was cutting-edge, above and beyond what a traditional newspaper Web site is,”

    Well I guess they succeeded because there's not another site locally doing half of what they are. Most news sites are pretty sterile, I'd say it;s cutting edge. Close for sure.

  4. Yep, it's good enough now that I don't have to buy the paper.

    Oops. Wait a minute. How ya gonna make money if I'm not buyin' the paper?

  5. Wow, now I can download Ed Christine's motivational speeches onto my iPod.

  6. The smart money is on them making money wether you buy the paper or not.

    Nice site lads.

  7. Jesus Christ, with the amount of money you have from being the ONLY newspaper in town, you should come up with a site that flashy.

    BUT, quit masturbating yourselves ... The site is just a site. WNEP's is better right now...
    AND you only cover Scranton (Which is what you should cover)

    BUT, THE Web sit for NEPA is 16's or the new FOX site ....

    Sit doen and take your place in line Shamrock Boys ...

    You suck

  8. "WNEP's is better right now"

    Huh? There's nothing on it?

  9. Someone might want to call NEP and tell them their reporters on TV are reporting info live that their website is saying will happen later.

    It's two hours later and still no update.

    Oh yeah, they should apologize to all of the people who arrive at the trial in Harrisburg Friday four hours early. The d-bag reporter got the time wrong and they never corrected it.

    Other than that, they have a great site. If 22 or 28 "mailed it in" like that people on this blog would be all over them.

  10. I caught that broadcast, the dude said the deliberations would start again at 5am. What a dickhead.

    Worse though, no one at the station caught it and they never corrected it.

    The news station my ass.

  11. Earrings on a pig. Great-looking site, delivering the same old Noxen zoning stories and fender-benders in Nanticoke.

  12. Visually, a big improvement.
    But it's all about the content.
    On a Sunday morning, the first local content you see on the home page is Chris Kelly's column about the president's speech, written before the president's speech (which was Wednesday, you'll recall).
    National news, some business stories, some local sports, the wine of the week, etc. Where's the local news on the home page? Maybe there is none.
    Newspapers can't operate like this anymore, that's just the way it is.

  13. Ooops, just realized I forgot to post my name. I'm 7:38 a.m.

    John, not Mike

  14. I read that site regularly and the content you mention is always there. They appear to be having some sort of tech issue today.

  15. It's still down, has been for a couple days.

  16. It's up with a note explaining the issue.

  17. No pictures of the Wiz?
