Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Janoski makes his first CV appearance

It has begun. Dave Janoski wrote Tuesday about the sale of the Fox station no one watches, and in the story's last legs he gets in a shot about the unidentified owners of the newspaper across North Washington Avenue.


  1. Typical Janoski story. Vindictive to the last paragraph. The jerk will never change.

  2. How is that vindictive? The fact that the Fox investors are also part-owners of the TL is totally relevant to the story.

  3. Agreed. They own a TV station and a newspaper, how's that not important. If it were owners from TS you guys would go crazy over this.

  4. Let's hope that his next story will appear sooner than three weeks from now.

  5. Mr. NEPA Media:

    You made a mistake.

    His first story actually ran Jan. 4. A scoop the TL followed about the Catholic church.

  6. First up, the Janoski pic you have up as his Avatar is probably from 1991.

    BUT, more importatly, .. you are missing one key point ..

    He left the TL for the Voice because he was passed over for a PRIME position in the newsroom.

    He does not hate the TL, he's just a victim of the new regime.

    The "dig" you seem so intent on focusing on was probably not his idea ...

    I smell a Holeva moment involved.

    Or better yet, a Lynett hand in the mix....

  7. Victim of the new regime? How about all of the victims of the old regime? I'm laughing my ass off as Janoski, Walzer and Iseman.

  8. 9:51 makes a point

  9. Don't forget his wife worked for TT. He always had a pipeline open to the Larrys.

  10. He's a prick and his wife is a bitch.

  11. Dave,

    Don't know if you read this stupid board or not, but if so, please know that A LOT of people that worked with you at the TL like you a lot and think that you are a good guy and an excellent reporter. We wish you well at your new job. And that's the truth.

  12. Did I ever tell you folks that I HATE you?

    Don't know if I did ... Just wondering. But I really do hate YOUR paper, your attitude and your pompous, egotistical, self righteous crap ...

    Can you guess which paper I'm talking about?

    (I'd leave this message on Chumster, but it's down again. Damn those UK blokes)

    Take a guess who I am ... You'll never hit the mark.

  13. I have a source high up in Times Shamrock management who swears that the assless chaps rumor is true.

  14. Fucking cunt licking dirt bag. He should cut his testicles off so the valley has no more Janoski's running around.

  15. Dave's never been vindictive. Unless you mean, if you lie, he'll put it in the story and if you duck questions, he'll put it in the story. That's called accountability, and a lot of people don't like that, especially those with political agendas.

    If anyone can crack the "mystery" of the TL ownership, it's Dave.

    John, not "Mike"

  16. John Mitchell is an arrogant deucebag.

  17. I believe you mean douchebag, you must write for the Voice.

  18. I worked with Dave at the TL when he was an editor and I enjoyed working for him. It's amazing how many bitter people there are in the valley. If you don't like it, leave like I did.

  19. I worked with Dave when he was an editor at the TL. I enjoyed working for him. Most of the people on here seem immature and bitter. If you don't like the media personalities in the valley or your job leave like I did. Stop fucking whining. You sound like 4 year olds. And personally I hate kids. So shut up or move away. Both papers in Wilkes-Barre leave a lot to be desired. So if you work for either of them, you're not doing your part to make them better. That's the sign of a bad employee.

  20. I remember the Beach Boys' song, "Little Deuce Coupe." Or was it "Little Douche Cup"?
