Monday, January 29, 2007

Connor: Bush speech was his best yet

TL Publisher Richard Connor weighs in on health insurance, Iraq, and more.


  1. For the love of God, make him stop.

  2. Written like a true Texas Republican.

  3. More like a big-hearted Republicrat. How many times must he kiss Bush's ass?

  4. For the love of God, make him stop.

    Can't do that - he owns it! After CapCities and Knight Ridder, how ironic that local ownership has come to mean the TL's spiritual compass is aimed at Fort Worth and he's fired all the cleansers. Mr. C. buys it, publishes it, edits it, writes for it, and steers its politics. Also increasingly clear; his silent local partners, well-healed Republicans all, have made the TL their "voice."

  5. I'll take "Poor, slanted writing about warped thinking" for $500 Alex.

  6. Well, it IS a different take from the entrenched liberal Democrap leanings I'm used to reading...maybe the truth is somewhere near the middle...who knows?...I like the shake up...

  7. Looks like Clinton wasn't the only president to get a BJ while in office. Hey, Connor, there's something dripping off your chin.
