Sunday, January 28, 2007

25 years later, the Times-Tribune still has a women's page

Everything you ever wanted to know about Northeast Woman, the Times-Tribune's page for women.


  1. Well good for them. Nothing wrong with celebrating the fairer sex.

  2. Women are definitely needed to keep a home clean, especially the kitchen.

  3. Even the editors didn't read this one to the end:

    "SUB HED

    Lynn Conrad, executive director of the Rail-Trail Council of Northeastern Pennsylvania....."

  4. A section for broads and gals is sexist.

    Everyone knows that SUB HED is Latin for "Executive Director of Rail Trail Council".

  5. “And I remember the (lunch),” she said. “I remember I sat at the table with (Times-Tribune columnist) Chris (Kelly). I’ve been following him ever since. He had long hair — that hippy look.”

    (Not to mention this being about 50 pounds ago for Mr. Kelly.)

    I can't think of another newspaper in America that would put these kind of insipid comments in a "news" story.

  6. A news story? Where did you see a news story? People get a kick out of seeing their name in the paper. News isn't necessarily a consideration. The theory is this also sells papers. Witness that Namedropper section on page 2 daily.

  7. I think we all get that Chris Kelly enjoys seeing his name in the paper. Does anybody else enjoy seeing him dropped into an unrelated story like that, regardless of whether it's news? I seriously doubt it.

  8. Items such as Namedropper and the seemingly endless parade of honor rolls and contributed photos serve only one purpose - to generate single copy sales. Each face and name should result in two additional stand sales (a conservative estimate). Do the math - 100 names and/or faces, 100 copies sold. Multiply that over seven editions and you've got good numbers. It's one of the few ways to push additional stand sales without hot local news. It simply is more cost effective to set an honor roll from an e-mail than it is to find hot local news.

    As for Northeast Woman, it's an lame attempt to make up for the lack of women in the daily news section. When's the last time you saw a photo or read a quote from a local woman above the A1 fold ... or even below? That should be happening every day, in every local story. It's a radical idea from the last century, but I'm old school.

  9. Ah, heck, there was a local woman quoted in an A1 story today (below the fold) - she's a 19-year-old single mother with a two-year-old son, living paycheck-to-paycheck who just spent a couple of hundred dollars for an advance on her tax return.

    Men quoted in local stories:

    - the owner of Liberty Tax Service, a company that competes with the one our local woman used to get her advance, who says business is good

    - a guy with a Ph.D. in political science

    Nicely done.
