Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The defection revealed: Dave Janoski goes to the Voice

The Citizens' Voice, not the Village Voice. How the mighty have fallen. Janoski spent years trashing Fred Ney and the CV for its shitty journalism and for Ney's coziness with the county. And now he had become what he has beheld. Anyone who has suffered through the TL's we're-holier-than-thou is laughing their ass off.


  1. As a "non-journalist" someone who has suffered from Janoski's holier-than-thou vindictiveness I am laughing my ass off. The Chinese have a saying that goes, "if you sit patiently by the river long enough, you will see the bodies of your enemies float by."

    Guess Janoski couldn't take having his petty self-righteousness muzzled anymore. Here's hoping that LaCoe and Iseman are next to be shown the door.

  2. Janoski wasn't "shown the door," moron, he moving for a raise. A big raise.
    He's laughing his ass off over you laughing your ass off.

  3. Are we talking the same Fred Ney who works now in Kanjo's W-B office? If so, did you ever try to get a call returned from this guy? Holy Christ, doesn't he realize he's a public servant?

  4. He's smart. In two years the TL will be out of business and the leftovers will be begging for a job at the CV.

  5. Ohhhh, the CV is so lucky!!! Now Janoski could write six (6) stories per year for them, like he did at the TL!!!

  6. A raise? Speak on it, son. How much? From what to what? Otherwise, I call bullshit.

  7. Let's not forget Janoski's wife is Melissa who worked at the TT. There was always a Times Scumrock connection.
    Just wait until he gets a chance to work with that fuck Holeva. He'll drive him nuts with bullshit details. He'll be lucky if he writes three stories a years.]
    Oh, and the raise? The only ones making any dough at the CV is the publisher and that cocksucker Larry.

  8. His creepy bitch wife was not well liked at the Times. She won't be following himn there when she's done perfecting motherhood.

  9. So after years of railing against the CV for their lack of integrity, ethics, you name it.... Janoski leaves the TL for "a big raise?"

    So what you are saying is that he is a whore? Giving up his beliefs for the money? I doubt he got a raise at all. I still feel that he was either shown the door or saw the writing on the wall. And I still look forward to the day that Iseman and Lacoe leave as well. Maybe Janoski had his wife pull some strings so he could have a job.

    A year ago, I felt that the TL was a done deal. Now, I wouldn't count them out at all.

  10. His wife is creepy. But they loved her in Scranton. Can't figure that one out. At any rate, I suspect he'll be taking a pay cut. No one (except Larry, who's paid a bonus for each person he runs out) is making any dough. Janoski will be sorry for making such a dumb move, unless he was fired at the TL.

  11. What a bunch of mean-spirited dumb a55es you all are.
    Not fired, you idiots.
    Yes, big raise.
    And what's with the character-assassination?
    You all are pathetic.
    Way most of us in the real world see it, the CV was way off base with their Bush league patriot-bashing of Janoski years ago.

  12. It's the first hire in a decade by the mighty Lynett empire of a reporter with more than a year of experience.

  13. If he got a raise it was small. They're a bunch of cheap fucks at the CV. Fuck you buddy.

  14. Dave is a good man and an excellent journalist. The CV is lucky to have him.

  15. "Dave is a good man and an excellent journalist."

    Both are so false they are laughable.

  16. Dave is a cocksucker and a shitty "journalist."

  17. As someone who covered courts with Janoski many years ago I second the remark that he's a good man and a good journalist.
    As for his pay, I'm betting he took a cut. One can quickly glean from Allison Walzer's lawsuit that she made more money than the top editors at the CV, Hazleton and TT combined. Guaranteed.

  18. Do you people actually really WORK for local newspapers? TT and CV pay more than the TL folks!!

  19. I know for a fact that the TL pays better than the CV.

  20. Janoski was at the TL for years, famously working his way up from obituary writer. He was likely making at least double that of line reporters there. The Voice has a gutless union and has never put a premium on investigative journalism, the sort of thing that Janoski has made his name synonymous with. So I'd be surprised if the Voice even matched his TL salary.

  21. If he was making so much money at the TL, then why did he quit? Or was he fired?

  22. Ask Janoski - or take a look at the TL. Its muckraking days are over. The publisher has been very candid about his plans to make the paper more "positive." I suspect there's going to be a lot of cost-cutting going on, and Janoski and his salary would be a prime target. There's no room for an investigative reporter making $60,000 a year in the new world order.

    He's lucky the Voice gave him a job. If he had been forced out of the TL, been blackballed by T-S, and wanted to stay in NEPA, he would have been fucked.

  23. "As someone who covered courts with Janoski many years ago I second the remark that he's a good man and a good journalist."

    Another asshole hack.

  24. I hear Larry enticed him over to his side by putting on the assless chaps.

  25. because Larry is, after all, a ...

  26. Janoski was one of the best and well known that the TL had. Clearly he left for the CV for a more stable thing. The TL most likely will be flipped again in a couple of years he would have been looking to the ST/CV for a job. He made a smart move by jumping ship now.

  27. "Janoski was one of the best and well known that the TL had. Clearly he left for the CV for a more stable thing. The TL most likely will be flipped again in a couple of years he would have been looking to the ST/CV for a job. He made a smart move by jumping ship now."

    What utter bullshit! Janoski saw the writing on the wall and realized that his self-righteous vindictiveness wasn't welcome anymore. The CV a more stable thing? Say.... when you are done with your crack pipe, can I have a hit? Clearly you got some real pure stuff.

    The TL's advertising is up. The paper is more positive and garnering more readership and the voice is shrinking on a daily basis.

  28. the numbers show differently.

  29. Are your "numbers" reflecting what's happening on the Web? And, no, I am not Soprano.

  30. "Janoski saw the writing on the wall and realized that his self-righteous vindictiveness wasn't welcome anymore."

    This is NEPA -- self-righteous vindictiveness is always welcome.

  31. WOW!!!!!!
    Talk about Negativity and self-righteousness!!!!!!
    As an outsider to the Media, I detect a tone of envy.
    Dave is an excellent journalist, and his wife is lovely!!!
    She is not creepy or bitchy, but rather, she's a very caring person, engaging and articulate, and an excellent mother!!!!
    I suggest you foul-mouthed, haters GROW UP!! Get a life!

  32. To 9:57 p.m.:

    You use exclamation marks excessively.

    You use other punctuation incorrectly.

    You capitalize inappropriately.

    His wife is indeed a little weird.

    Please go away.

  33. Janoski is a prick. And now Iseman is gone as well. Oh, how the mighty have fallen!

  34. Janoski's a pro and the CV is lucky to have him.
    Knowing how little respect he has for Times Shamrock, I'm guessing this means things inside the Times Leader are even worse than we realize and he sees no hope.

  35. Iseman is gone too!!!! Hooray!!!

  36. Like I said.......,,,,!!!!!!!

    GET A LIFE.......

    you're apparently a LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. I am still laughing my ass off. In fact, I was doing cartwheels through the house today when I realized that yet another of the holier-than-thou team was shown the door(see first comment posted above).

    Next one on my wish list is LaCoe.
    Maybe Lynott?

    Must... remain... patient. Good things are happening.

  38. Haven't noticed Janoski's byline in the Voice. Has he started yet? Or is he too busy posting here and telling everyone to get "a life."

  39. To 10:13 p.m.: What is your beef with LaCoe? Or Lacoe? I worked with her at the TL, and she always seemed like an automaton to me. She was innocuous to be disliked by anyone.

  40. Too innocous, that is.

  41. Isn't she in charge of the editorial page? Loads of self-rightenous from that corner over the years. She needs to go as well. The Times Leader is progressively becoming a much better paper.

    Finally the content is on par with the overall composition of the papers. I find it harder and harder to read the Citizens Voice any more. Halfway through a story, whole paragraphs of content are missing (especially wire service stories).
    Spell check would work wonders. And the proper use of similar sounding words would be a plus. You pay someone a compliment, Yuengling complements a nice plate of chicken wings. Accept versus except, get the picture?

    I always felt the Times Leader was a much more professionally composed newspaper, I just couldn't stand the tone of the paper.

    SAYSO did more damage than good, and I will maintain to the day I die that Iseman and Walzer used it as a forum to attack persons and institutions with whom they had issues.

    Things just keep getting better and better.

  42. I was talking to a former TL reporter today who couldn't remember Lacoe's name. All the former reporter could remember was that she was very quiet and liked horses.

  43. If I was a betting man I would bet 10:53 was written by none other than the "famous" Leslie Nicholas.

    The first clue has to do with an e-mail.

    The second clue was his substandard prose.

    The Voice is improving. What do you want TS to do with all the idiots that were hired years ago? Fire them all? Yes, they suck. But, christ, putting people out on the street who are close to retirement is wrong.

    If they fired all the people responsible for those errors you would be on this board complaining about that too.
