Friday, November 03, 2006

What exactly happened to Casey Jones?

And how the hell did the TL endorse Don Sherwood in Friday's paper?

The TL's lead columnist was disappeared just like Steve Corbett was. Not a word, not a sound. Here's a timeline of events:

  • Oct. 19: Casey goes after Sherwood in his column.

  • Oct. 22: Casey writes about regionalization. Yawn. This would turn out to be Casey's last column.

  • Oct. 27: Casey writes a puff piece story about a new pizza place downtown. It looked like his first -- and last -- story as a reporter, presumably after losing his column.

  • Oct. 27: TL runs a story that seems to repudiate the anti-Sherwood column by complaining about its role in a Carney ad

  • Oct. 28: TL runs a second story repudiating Casey's column as not the newspaper's official line

  • Oct. 29: Tom Mooney appears in the Sunday columnist's slot with a piece titled "Put on wax teeth, and let fantasies begin"

  • Nov. 1: A note concerning Casey's departure is at the end of Renita Fennick's column but not published on the Web site

  • Nov. 3: In a stunner, the TL endorses Sherwood

  • The link to Casey's page has been removed from the TL's roster of columnists.


    1. i read the TL and am still voting for Carney...

    2. Ahhh. Grasshopper ...

      The truth you seek is there for all to see On Page 2A ....

      A few days search will bring you to the truth ... Won't take long for someone as Web savy as you ...

    3. So what happened to him? Was it political? The secret investors?

    4. I think he could see it coming. He just had too much integrity to get out of the way.

    5. Integrity? Are we talking about the same Casey Jones that bragged in a column about the time he a cup of coffee out of his sunroof to get back at a woman who was tailgating him?

      The guy was a jerk, good riddance to bad rubbish.

    6. I can only guess that Jones wasn't toeing the Republican line at the "new" T-L. Whether the T-L's sham of an editorial board likes it or not, Sherwood is going down big on Tuesday. And I'd bet some decent money Santorum does the same.

    7. Seriously...Does anyone give a crap that he's gone? His columns were awful. I say good decision by TL to can him.

      Wasn't that wonderful Walzer hire that also brought Lane Filler to Wilkes-Barre???

    8. Is Casey Joness even his real name?

    9. What exactly did the Renita Fennick column say about Jones' departure? Didn't catch it and not on the web site link.
      Good riddance -- the guy's columns did not extoll peace, love and good will toward men.

    10. Yes, Filler and Jones came in to replace Corbett. One of the more brilliant decisions made by Walzer and Company.

    11. Renita's column didn't have anything to do with Casey. A little note announcing that Casey will no longer appear there was run underneath it.

    12. Don Sherwood's a used-car (pre-owned?) dealer who thought of himself as a legend in his own mind. Come on! The guy was a political lightweight who acted like king of the day. What editor in his right mind would endorse a guy who's campaign-season highlight is a TV commercial in which he apologizes for having an adulterous affair?

    13. WHAT IS HIS REAL NAME???????

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