Sunday, November 05, 2006

Connor: Here's why we endorsed Sherwood and Santorum

It's pointless to try and recap the column. Read it yourself and cry for Iseman.


  1. I know Connor edits the paper--but he should try actually READING it some time.

    Based solely on the T-L's news coverage I worry that both Sherwood and Santorum are dangerous men, and dangerously out of touch with their constituents.

    They snowed Connor. Does that say more about THEM or about HIM?

  2. Rich Connor just labeled himself and his paper the region's conservative Republican voice. What a shame; he didn't have to give up his cover this early! He and his wealthy local backers have just disproved the new Publisher/Editor's much publicized claim that his owners will have no editorial voice. Amazingly, they openly sponsored a Santorum ad the same day Connor's column personally endorsed Ricky.

  3. Well, it's about time a Conservative paper showed up to combat the Democratic-inspired drivel from the Lynett Empire.

  4. Newspaper publishers have an incredibly low opinion of their readers, and they relish the chance to be "kingmakers" by telling the poor unwashed masses how to think, act and vote.

    The old Scripps Howard motto ran something like this: "Give light and the people will find their own way." That light comes from publishing balanced, accurate, comprehensive news reports.

    Rich Connor saying, "Kneel, you fools, and receive into your wretched lives the light of the Sacred Lamp of Truth which only I possess" isn't quite the same.

    Like the wizard behind the curtain, pay no attention to Rich Connor.

  5. Don't worry, Rich. Sure, you backed a pack of losers--but it's not as if anyone paid any attention to you. No harm, no foul, right?

  6. The "region's conservative Republican voice?"
    That's the understatement of the post-election day. More like "wacko-Repub-crazed-right-winger-selfish-out-of-touch-with-reality."

  7. "Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one."
    -- A.J. Liebling

  8. Santorum's a F.A.
    Good riddance
