Monday, October 09, 2006

The TL's Connor: Accentuate the positive

"I still see the need for this newspaper to remember our obligation to reflect the good we see here," TL editor Richard Connor writes in his Sunday column. He also gives a shout-out to the TLers who stuck around after the strike.

Speaking of reflecting the good we see here, who else misses SAYSO? Thank Google cache for this trip down memory lane:
  • Plenty of anti-Kerry and anti-Israel rants in October 2004, along with a not-for-publication note at the top from the managing editor

  • Lazy Mexicans, lazy Pittston schoolteachers, and a special message for the creep who stole the Halloween decoration from the house on Govier Street in the Parsons section

    1. I absolutely LOVED his column on Sunday. He's slowly winning me over.

    2. Connor, you're still a fucking scab after all these years. Fuck you cocksucker.

    3. Miss SAYSO??! Please. Good riddance to that thing. If people have so much to say, have the courage to write a letter to the editor instead of calling in anonymously. What nonsense!

    4. Iseman wrote half the garbage that showed up in Sayso. It was his way at taking potshots at people or institutions he had a hardon for.

    5. It's a good thing that there are no more anonymous forums where people don't need evidence to make accusations about fucking scab cocksuckers.

    6. How can you bash SAYSO and still contribute to this site? This is SAYSO, basically?
      Where's your courage 6:09?

    7. Where's my courage?! I'm contributing to a BLOG, for gosh sakes! One of the primary things that good newspapers have going for them right now is their integrity -- people can trust that newspapers are held to a higher standard than what they read on the Internet!!...well, except when it comes the NYTimes I s'pose...The Internet is ALL ABOUT lack of courage, my friend!

    8. all of you are cocksuckers.

    9. This board all of a sudden...Fuckin' ay.
