Sunday, October 08, 2006

A 67-paragraph love letter to the Sunday Scranton Times?

One would think that the 'news' behind the existence of the Sunday paper would be up there with man bites dog. But Chris Birk is drafted into advertorial duty and produces a lengthy puff piece about the visionary Lynetts, the hardworking staff and the newsy Sunday Times itself - it even had stories about the pope dying and the space shuttle blowing up!


  1. Not everyone is a half-crazed, bitter, anonymous web guy. Some people probably enjoyed the piece-it was well done. Lighten up asshole.

  2. It was a well-done corporate history of the Sunday paper. It was awful journalism.

  3. Could've saved some space by just rolling the package into an in-house display ad. Another real money-maker for the always profit-hungry publishers.
    They could've at least gotten some comment from some national media celeb. That way it would've had more credibility. Wow.

  4. For the love of God, why don't you just get down on your knees and kiss the asses of the Lynetts? This column is an embarrassment. I thought that cocksucker Beaupre was supposed to put a stop to puff pieces like this. Guess not.

  5. Self-aggrandizement is a sin?

  6. reminds me of the time the Hazleton paper did a full-page ad paying tribute to letter carriers, then the next day had a story on their local front about the ad. Great minds think alike.
