Wednesday, July 26, 2006

More of the McHugh lovefest, and an invitation to Times-Shamrock journalists

Intriguing. Buried in the last legs of another McHugh canonization piece (we love his laugh!) is this line: "We’d love to give local, seasoned journalists a shot at working at the best newspaper in Northeast Pennsylvania. You know who we are talking about. Spice up your work life and give me a call." Have others at the CV and Scranton Times been in talks with Golas? Is Ed Lewis not the last to change teams?


  1. Not many will jump, I'd guess.

    The Times Tribune folks, most of them, would have to take a pay cut. Not many will do that, even though plenty would love to get out of the Penn Ave. asylum. That's one chaotic newsroom.

    The Voice pay scale is more comparable to the Times Leader, but there aren't too many more that they'd want to hire.

  2. The modus operandi for a Times Shamrock takeover of your newspaper begins with a talent raid.

    Contact the best writers at the other paper and hire them away.

    They did it to the TL years ago when they hired away Decker, Adams, et al..

    (And they tried to hire Lynott in that well-publicized fiasco)

    Well, maybe turnabout is fair play.

    No one ever said the staff at the CV or Times sucked.

    The complaints have been more or less directed at managment and news phiolosophy, so why not try to lure the best reporters away.

  3. I know for a fact that others want to leave. Working at the CV is a nightmare. The ME is just unbearable to work with. Before anything is published your work is nitpicked to death. And then it must receive the OK from the Grand Pubah in Scranton.
    What a fuckin' joke.

  4. Well, so far we know McHugh has an infectious laugh, and he once found some office space for the Philly suburban newsroom.
    I'm inspired.
    Rumor has it he once stopped to pet a cat on Market Street. His pants are always neatly pressed.
    The guy is clearly larger than life.

  5. i heard the TL wants three specific people from the CV.

    any guesses?

  6. Larry Holeva, Larry Holeva, Larry Holeva!!!!

  7. they want conmey and dobo too i heard.

  8. Get real Golas.

    You may be able to steal CV staff, but EVERYONE in Scranton would have to take a pay cut to work for a guy who A) will be firing you, and B) will be selling the paper to TS in 3 years.

    If I remember correctly, TT raided the TL staff to man their morning paper way back when - it had nothing to do with going to war with the TL.

    When the dust settles you'll have Ed Lewis. A solid reporter, but very easy to replace. Talk to him in three years when he's on the wrong team. I'll bet he'll say it wasn't worth it.

  9. blah, blah, blah. Do you people have a crystal ball or are smoking something from a ball? How does everyone know what will happen in two, three or four years? Unless you're listening to the propaganda Lynett and Holeva are feeding you folks at the CV. Yeah, listen to them and you'll be wishing in a few years that you did something as brave as Ed Lewis, who by the way, was your best reporter that Holeva treated like shit and didn't take advantage of his sources, vision and knowledge.

  10. sources, yes.

    "vision and knowledge?" probably not.

    he made the choice and that is fine. yes, it took courage. no, he is not the paper's best reporter.

    great reporting requires far more than sourcing skills. to say otherwise shows your total lack of education on experience outside this market.

  11. "great reporting requires far more than sourcing skills. to say otherwise shows your total lack of education on experience outside this market."

    You nailed it dude. Bunch of blowhards here. Lewis was average at best. Everyone is replaceable. To think otherwise is what gets people in trouble.

  12. "Lewis was average at best...." Before he started getting fucked by the ME and the AME, he was great. The CV's loss is the TL's gain. Good luck Ed.

  13. uhm. he couldnt get through one week at the TL without a major correction.

  14. uhm, how about the M-A-J-O-R mistake on the front page of the CV on Thursday. Can't even spell the judge's name right on a big story that by the way, the CV AME didn't think the story was a big deal.

  15. Lewis at least covered all the angles of the Selinski trial -- not just cartoon coverage. Problem with TL right now? Golas is not interested in young talent, recent college grads, fresh voices.

  16. Lewis didn't cover Selenski's trial.

  17. he didn't cover the trial itself, but he covered ALL aspects of the case a million times better than TL did -- read his stuff. TL has not written about anything other than Selenski's Porky Pig cartoons. TL is up Selenski's guilty a55.

  18. Yeah, that's why the TL won an APME award for its Selenski coverage. What'd the CV win?

  19. Lewis refused to cover the Selenski trial. He told Holeva it would couldn't cover the trial because he didn't want to get a babysitter for his kid. What a true professional reporter. Sounds like something someone at The New York Times would do. Lewis is a loser and should fit in well at the TL.

  20. Clearly the last post came from someone who doesn't have children and/or is gay. It's called being a responsible parent. My family - as well as any person who has a family - comes first. And for the record, I didn't refuse to cover the Hugo trial despite being unfairly yanked from a story that I covered since day one. At least I'm man enough to sign my name.

    Ed Lewis
