Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Alan K. Stout will miss Pat McHugh

Another positive sendoff piece. Is someone counting these?


  1. Holy fuck. Well guess what AKS won't be at the Weekender much longer either.

  2. Hey AKS, why don't you just pull down Pat's pants on Public Square and kiss his lily-white fuckin' ass.
    Holy Christ, I've never seen such ass kissing in all my fucking life.
    Don't worry Allan; you'll be able to kiss another Irishman's fuckin' ass in the future.

  3. "I don’t know our new publisher, but I do know that he worked at our company for about seven years, from 1978-1986, and that he led it through some trying times. I’ve heard nothing but great things. A solid newspaper man. A strong leader. A nice guy. I look forward to working for him."

    Doesn't sound like words than any new publisher would have a problem with.

    And it ain't kissin' ass when the guy is leaving. In two days, Stout won't be working for him anymore.

    There was nothing to gain by writing it other than showing some respect to his OLD boss. People that see it as kissin' tail are just people that don't like Pat. AKS will be fine.

  4. Ditto to the above. Some people at the TL didn't like Pat. Some did. AKS did. So what? At least it was well written. Let's all just move on now ...

  5. To the psycho that posted at 6:25 ... are you OK? You get way too upset about this stuff. Did McHugh burn down your house or murder your whole family or something? If not, I think you should seek some help. Take a deep breath. Relax. Everything will be OK ... I promise.

  6. Eat me you motherfucker!
    I hope you rot in in hell, cocksucker!

  7. To all those who say you haven't seen such ass kissing in a long time.

    Why, what short memories we have.

    Wasn't it just a month or so ago when Gene Padden was frenching Scott Lynett out behind the barn?

  8. This column DOES NOT belong in the Weekender. That's a paper for Gen Y. Why do they care? It makes Alan look like an asshole in their eyes. They're laughing at him. He's alientating the readers his paper needs, the 18-24 year olds.

    This is why he's an inept leader. That is daily paper writing and the Weekender isn't a daily paper.

    Someone who knows what he/she is doing should take over the Weekender.

  9. An editor can either dummy down to his audience, or try to raise its game. I saw today's issue. Stout also wrote a story about some new, young metal band, and the thing about 40-Lb. Head. He seems to know his paper and his market. If he throws his readers a little curve once in a while, good for him. Only an unimaginative mind would think otherwise. And at least he's written a few talkers of late. What will Padden write about this week? You're talking about a guy that once did a Q&A with himself. No kidding. He actually did that. Unreal.

  10. Didn't we just have this whole Weekender thing going on here a few weeks ago? C'mon people ... give me something new to read.
    Poor Jerry Kishbuagh. Nobody even talks about him anymore.

  11. To those that think they know something that nobody else knows, get real. Connor hasn't said zip to anyone about how he feels about anything. There is no reason at all to think that he would have any problem with some of the writers doing a goodbye story about Pat. If I were he, I would admire it. Loyalty isn't such a bad thing, and just because most of the editors and writers liked Pat doesn't mean they aren't ready to work hard for Connor. Connor will like guys like Iseman and Stout. They care about the paper.

  12. Keep in mind while everyone talks about Rich Conner not speaking out, he technically is not the owner until Saturday. For all he knows the deal could go to shit between now and the end of the week. I do not blame him from being quiet until the paper belongs to him.

  13. I am hearing what Connor is saying to people who used to work with him. He has shared ideas with them and also bounced ideas of them. There are going to be some interesting changes when he takes over. 05

  14. Like what kind of changes?

  15. About Alan's column: I like Alan. He's a good guy in a newsroom that discourages good guys. And he knows what he's doing. But the McHugh column belonged in a private thank-you note, not in the newspaper.

  16. Agreed. I think we can all agree it was a poor choice to put it in the weekender, or the paper at all. But I can deal with it being published if it was in the Guide. Not the best solution but a decent compromise.

  17. Perhaps. But Pat's little roll in the Concert For A Cause was kind of interesting. Not a bad idea to give him some props to the younger readers. And as far as AKS having the right feel for his job, somebody from over there said he got Breaking Benjamin to play the concert with one phone call. That'd be the guy I'd want at the Weekender.

  18. "He's young, hip, and one helluva motivational speaker," Gene Padden gushes of CV publusher Scott Lynett. Of the CV: It's "a strong paper with a loyal readership." Quite a love-in down in Wilkes-Barre.

    Remember that CV loyalists?

  19. "CV loyalists" don't like Gene.

  20. Good heavens. Some of this nonsense is absurd. I only coast into this site once every few months, but guys like Golas, Iseman, Padden and Stout are editors for a reason. They have probably done a few things right over the years, have done some good work, and have busted some serious ass. And as for the McHugh stuff, once in a while an editor will write about whatever the fuck he feels like writing. He's earned that much. That cunt that weighed in at 6:25 needs a fucking beating. If I were Stout, Golas, Iseman or Padden, I'd tell him to go fuck himself. But then again, based on how worked up the pathetic no-life gets about other people's work, I'm sure he already does that all the time.

  21. Padden is an idiot, but has nothing to do with Stout's stupid article.

    It had no business being published. Let's try to be professionals here and just admit it was wrong.

  22. I actually liked McHugh story a lot. Lots of people did. A nice human touch for a change. And yes, Padden is an idiot.

  23. Stout, from what I recall, didn't write a thing about the sale while everybody else was writing about the sale all the time. He kept to his business, and when it was done, and it was announced that Pat was leaving, he wrote a couple of nice stories about his soon-to-be-ex-boss, while also saying that he's looking forward to working with Conner. I got no problem with that. I worked at a weekly for a while. They can be a monster. I'm sure AKS has already moved on to the next thing.

  24. Look people, sometimes - even in journalism - a company will give someone a nice sendoff. Look what NBC did for Brokaw and Couric. We've all seen it many times. It's not that big a deal. The guys that wrote these stories have probably already moved on with their business, and we should too ..

  25. mchugh is neither a Brokaw nor a Couric.

    please don't even mention him in the same sentence.

  26. Katie Couric was a TV celebrity - she worked ON camera, not behind the scenes like McHugh.

    You can spin it any way you want, but those articles were bush league BS meant to serve the people who wrote them, not the readers.

    I wouldn't even have a problem with one general article on his leaving and impact, but if you add them all up, it's way too much.

    No one here would give TS a free pass on this - and they shouldn't if that behavior was duplicated. (which it never was)

    Stop the silliness, it's bad journalism and you all know it.

  27. Disagreed. I've seen it done at other papers - good papers, too - for a popular publisher. No big deal. And whatever you think, there's a lot more in today's paper. I just looked through it. There's a photo from Pat's send-off party last night at the Woodlands or someplace, a full-page photo of the staff waving goodbye, a funny editorial cartoon, and a written editorial. I don't work there, but face it, lots of people on that TL staff must have liked McHugh. But again, they are waving goodbye to the guy. If you don't like it, don't read it. And besides, after today, it's over. He's gone. I'd be more interested in what bloggers think about the series on the Catholic Church than this stuff.

  28. The Cathoic Church stuff is several years too late. It's not investigative journalism, it's a recap. Not one new bit of info was published. What a waste of time.

  29. Missing from Alan's piece is a pix of him kissing McHugh's ass.

  30. Catholic Church stuff was Golas-driven vanity. Nothing new in all that hard work the kids did. No wonder Walzer is claiming religious prejudice.

  31. All it takes to be an editor at that douche-bag paper the absence of the good sense required to leave that shit town.
