Friday, July 21, 2006

McHugh: "This is not a resignation"

Then it's a firing, I guess. The story was tops on Romenesko's left-hand rail this morning.

Here's the Voice's weak story:
  • New TL owner returns to post as publisher

  • Here's the Matt Golas newsroom note on McHugh's departure:
  • Morning note: Who is McHugh?

    1. The bigger story is I hear Allison W. is coming back.

    2. Connor was the 1st one to promote the bitch so I wouldn't doubt it. This makes her lawsuit go away. And she would win. Pat systematically pushed several people out the door. They received a severance but had to sign a form saying they wouldn't sue. Why? Because they know Pat did not play by the law.

    3. Poster who heard Allison is coming back is wrong and just trying to irk people.

    4. Allison pushed out the door? Right. If anything, McHugh looked the other way until corporate got involved. I wouldn't blame her departure on Pat. She screwed herself.

      Word is no tears are being shed at the TL, except maybe by Golas and the circ guy from Philly.

    5. That little pissant Voice story is pretty sorry ass. "Staff report" for the byline? That's as bad as the Standard Speaker's continuing reliance on the "From Staff Reports" byline.
      As for Walzer, 1:23 a.m. is correct.
      And what, pray tell, is someone doing posting to this blog at that hour?

    6. McHugh never played by the law anonymous #2. He was quick to boast about "breaking every labor law in the books" while settling a distribution issue in the midwest for Knight Ridder years ago.

    7. *
      2:11pm said: As for Walzer, 1:23 a.m. is correct. And what, pray tell, is someone doing posting to this blog at that hour?

      More like 4:23 a.m., as this is a Pacific Zone site. Somebody got up early to leave a thought, or was coming back from the bathroom and decided to stop here en route.

      Hey -- us night people post late. I'm up till 2:00 working in my office.
