Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Ed Lewis joins the TL!?!

Matt Golas, in his newsroom note, reveals that the Ed Lewis whose byline is in the newspaper is THE Ed Lewis of the Citizens' Voice. How often does this happen? How did Ed's departure play out on North Washington Avenue?


  1. It amazes me that Matt Golas demands the truth and full disclosure from all "the pols, the judges and the prosecutors," but refuses to reveal that he hired Ed Lewis from the Citizens Voice. And oh yeah...nothing still from his crack team on the loacl owners of his own paper.
    Keep up the good work Matt.

  2. Ed left the Voice because he was treated like shit by the ME and assistant ME. They nitpicked him to the point he was unable to write anything. The Voice doesn't have the balls to write much of anything these days. They're content with publishing more news out of Lackawanna County than they are in their own back yard. The Voice staff lost a great guy. They do that because the copy is run through Banana Boat Larry B. first up in Scranton. And, if Larry B. says the copy is OK, it must be. After all, he's smarter than everyone else.
    Good luck Ed.

  3. What about the libel lawsuit that his stories led to?

  4. That probably is a big part of why he was harassed before he left the CV.
    However, the TL wasn't upset with the lawsuit. Besides, any paper that worries about being sued will never be able to produce anything viable.
    He's a pretty good guy, I was told.

  5. CV puts out the trash and the TL grabs it.

    trash or treasure? it's hard to tell with the terrible editing at the CV.

    it is sort of funny that the TL would trash the Voice loudly and then start trying to steal it's staff ...

  6. Eddie is a solid reporter who knows how to hustle and has more sources than everyone combined at the Voice. Harasssed? That's Times-Shamrock SOP.

  7. You bet it's their SOP. Anyone who has ideas of making a career at Times Shamrock is immediately a target. They don't want career employees, they want recent snot-nosed grads. That way you don't have to pay them much or worry about pensions.
    Not a good place to work.

  8. not true. TS just wants people with talent.

    no one has pushed borys out. why? because he can actually write and report.

    the old timers tell themselves it has something to do with youngnes and money. now, getting hired requires more than having a WB address.

  9. Borys is president of the Guild and has been for years. Management doesn't want to lose that close, friendly, cost-effective relationship with the union head.

  10. Borys can write and report and is a total pro -- he's on my NEPA all-star team. But TS doesn't want a roomful of 20-year veterans, it wants 90 percent rookies and 10 percent vets to provide a little institutional knowledge.

    Plus, yeah, it's kind of hard to fire the union president, unless he's incompetetent, which BK isn't.

  11. Also hot: Borys

  12. There is no fucking union at TS. It's a big joke. They could decertify the Guild in a heartbeat. It's just a cozy, snuggly working relationship the Guild and company have operated with for years.
    Besides, I think the Guild has been working without a contract up there for several years.
    As for keeping veterans, look at the TS newsroom. Most of them are still wet behind the years.
    Let's not forget Larry (Banana Boat's) philosophy: four years and out for new hires.

  13. Let's see, Borys obviously is a veteran, Chris Kelly, Haggerty, Singleton, Shedlock's been there a few years, Jess Mathews. That's about a quarter of the reporting staff. About typical for a paper this size, I'd say.

  14. Uh oh, the post above me had facts in it, that not going to sit well here.

    As for "They do that because the copy is run through Banana Boat Larry B. first up in Scranton. And, if Larry B. says the copy is OK, it must be. After all, he's smarter than everyone else." well that's just nonsense. Sure he has time to read all of the CV copy, approve it and work what? 20 hours a day?

    We've got some real nuts here, don't we.

  15. Borys is nothing more than a "yes" man to banana split Larry B. And Larry H. will do anything for Larry B. Borys couldn't cover or write anything that's breaking. All he writes about is what banana split Larry tells him to write.

  16. holy shit.

    i swear to god a tin foil truck overturned on 81. take off the hat. educate yourself. people as high up as larry b. never have a hand in the daily goings on at the paper.

    TS did not get this far by being idiots. if the paper was so clearly biased, then no one would buy it. or, are you suggesting everyone who buys that paper is an idiot?

    and dont even start on the "only paper" bullshit. if the T-T was so weak Dean Singleton would have never sold the Trib to them. and another company would come in to start up (read: TL) if it was such a godamn slam dunk.

  17. " Borys couldn't cover or write anything that's breaking."

    You, sir, are an idiot. I am not even a TS fan, but that guy's one of the very best things about that place. If we were choosing up sides for a Scranton-Wilkes Barre newspaper war, he's a first-round draft choice.

  18. First round draft choice? Yeah right.
    Perhaps benchwarmer.

  19. "Let's see, Borys obviously is a veteran, Chris Kelly, Haggerty, Singleton, Shedlock's been there a few years, Jess Mathews. That's about a quarter of the reporting staff. About typical for a paper this size, I'd say. "

    Chris Kelly is a columnist and rarely reports. Singleton was "reassigned" to the reporter ranks from the city desk. Haggerty was sent back to reporting from pm edition copydesk. Both of those guys are where they are because there's no where else to go but the obit desk. Jessica Matthews isn't a reporter, she wins awards generating uber-packages, like this year's dismal Grading Our Schools, which included one story and pages of tables. Real progress there.

  20. I have trouble sleeping but whenever I read Chris Kelly's columns, it was lights out. Did anyone understand them. And Borys, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  21. Is this the same Ed Lewis who used to answer the phones over at WBRE-TV?

  22. It's the same Ed Lewis that single handly managed the newsroom on the weekends...
