Sunday, June 04, 2006

TL is hard-hitting, CV easy to read while pooping

That's the Sunday morning insight on the TL letters page from Dick Holodick of Wilkes-Barre. Are these letters for real?


  1. So, the CV is better while sitting on the crapper and the TL is better for, what, fish wrapping?

  2. Maybe what they are saying is that you should wipe you ass with the CV.

  3. I have it on very good authority (my cat told me) that when the CV takes over, it will be published in both formats. That which sells the most copies will be the one which eventually will be the winner (broadsheet or tab).

    Never underestimate the marketing savvy of a cat. You heard it here first.

  4. Note that the letter was written by Dick Holodick.

  5. It's not on a par with publishing letters to the editor from the editor's mom, but the TL (Dave J) wrote a nice profile about a Richard Holodick (vocational ed expert) in Oct. 2003. It was difficult to read while pooping.
