Saturday, June 03, 2006

Diamond City editor: We love our bosses

"He's young, hip, and one helluva motivational speaker," Gene Padden gushes of CV publusher Scott Lynett. Of the CV: It's "a strong paper with a loyal readership." Quite a love-in down in Wilkes-Barre.


  1. How thoughtful of Scottie to recycle some of those county ad dollars at Skrep's place.

  2. So ... How do you get away from the perception your paper is in bed with the local politicians???

    You have your awards banquent at the COUNTY COMMISIONER'S BAR ...

    That is what Webster defines as CREDIBILITY...

  3. And I don't mean Daniels and Webster ...

  4. Being as small as Padden, it must be really easy to bend over for your boss like that

  5. Ok, ok, let's just say Padden is not loved by real newsies. His columns are known as a primer on how not to write an English sentence.

  6. Funny, Padden was almost fired by the Times Leader -- and hated by his co-workers -- when I worked there years ago. Now, he's still hated by his Times-Shamrock co-workers I hear but at least he's learned how to suck up to the publishers. P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C!!!

  7. How 'bout his gigs on WBRE? Gene, can you spell 'suck?" Looks like the News Alliance lets the worst in the industry rise to the top. Here's hoping the Leader keeps its footing.

  8. Boy it seems some of you are jealous of how Padden's career has advanced. What do you do? Work at the TL? The smart people left there in the first few years McHugh took over. The rest of you still there are idiots at best and dumb at worst. Get over it.

  9. Padden's career advanced? In what way? Let's not forget he left the Weekender for some start-up that never got off the ground. He came crawling back to NEPA and went to the only place he didn't burn any bridges. The TL didn't exactly cry when he left. Last I checked, EC/DC is still second fiddle to the Weekender in ad dollars.
    Small man, small career. Good for him if he's happy, just don't make him out to be any more than he is - an angry little man.

  10. FYI: Since I play in a band, I received an email from Padden a few months back asking for our group to advertise in dc. I thought it strange that a so-called editor was requesting ad money but what was even more distasteful was how he addressed the request. It said: "Let me be your whore." Basically he was selling editorial space for $$$. Maybe he missed his journalism ethics course in college.

  11. Please note: I work at the Times-Tribune and would like to report that Padden is as disliked here as he was at the TL. That particular column was a vomitous suck up piece at best. Remember when all he wrote was "I hate Wilkes-Barre" as his column fodder. Funny how he now appears to love the WB. FAKE!

  12. Favorite Padden moment: Says live on air while talking to a guy (who happens to be bald) "And, no, HE IS NOT A SKINHEAD, folks." The guy's face turns purple and Pad-Dawg never even notices. Real smooooooth. (This was like a week after the skinhead stabbings in WB.)

    What is Padden's story? Where did the little guy come from? More importantly, can he point me in the direction of a pot-o-gold (or some Lucky Charms)?

  13. I also work at the Times. We like Gene, but I think his band sucks.

    To clarify, Scott Lynett is not Padden's boss. Padden works for the CNG department of the Times. He's up here every Wednesday putting out all the community papers. He talks about hating the TL a LOT so it doesn't surprise e to see a house-promoting column.

    And yes, he is a short guy - you have that correct.
