Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Revisiting the Chiquita story in Cincinnati

Former Cincinnati Enquirer reporter Cameron McWhirter has an interesting piece in the latest CJR about shield laws and the infamous Chiquita story -- supervised by Larry Beaupre, who left the paper in the fallout and is now the editor of The Times-Tribune of Scranton. (Beaupre, like McWhirter and everyone else, was played by lead reporter Mike Gallagher, who lied to his colleagues and his lawyers.) An interesting read.


  1. Banana Boat's fall from grace is nearly complete. What an asshole!

  2. Um, can you read? Beaupre got conned with everyone else. I don't think he's much of an editor, honestly, but it's bullshit to write garbage like his "fall from grace is nearly complete."

    Mike Gallagher compulsively lied to his colleagues, to his editors, and to the Gannett lawyers. They all bought it. Gallagher later pleaded guilty to wiretapping felonies. Without a doubt, Beaupre suffered the most collateral damage.

    If you're going to go after Beaupre, at least make your shots true and fair.

  3. Poor baby. Instead of dusting off his mantle for his Pulitzer he ended up in coal-dust land.

  4. He's in the land of the lost. The end of the line.

  5. the true question is, who would you trust more in a dark alley, Beaupre or Carten?

  6. Breaupre...unless Carten handed me a free copy of the Voice, with a bingo game card.

  7. There's no defense for Beaupre on the banana stuff. He says he didn't realize Gallagher was stealing voice mails --- he thought somebody else was stealing them and giving them to Gallagher! Yeah, not exactly taking the high moral ground. Remember these weren't public documents, they were a corporation's proprietary material. I can't think of many editors I've worked for who'd use material stolen from a private company.
    Even if you believe Larry's version, he still deserved to be fired, for the same reason Dan Rather deserved to be canned for basing a story on dubious documents.

  8. Mr. (or Ms.) NEPA Media seems to have lost the will to live--or at leqst the desire to keep the site fresh.


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