Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Times-Tribune reporter hearts Chelsea and Hillary

"She spoke passionately and with eloquence?" "The candidate's impressive accomplishments?" Reporter Stacey Solie, new to the Times-Tribune by way of Columbia's grad j-school, pours it on a little thick this morning in her love letter news story about Chelsea's visit to Scranton. Judging by Solie's story, you would have thought it was the second coming.


  1. Times Tribune stylebook requires that anything Casey, Miller, Rodham, or The Office be reported with Scranto-celebrity positivity.

  2. When are you all going to learn that Number One, a Columbia Journalism School pedigree ain't what it used to be and Number Two, a gig interning at the NYTimes while at Columbia is the norm and does not make a person more qualified as a journalist.

  3. I had a Columbia j-grad working for me a few years back who couldn't spell C-A-T if you gave him the first two letters.

  4. I bet you didn't get into Columbia.

  5. No, but I got into Colombia (sniff....sniff.)

  6. Here's a tip for your Columbia grads: You should phrase it as "passionately and eloquently" or "with passion and eloquence."
    If you can't be literate, at least be consistent.

  7. I think swooning,is a good term.
    So much for ridin the fence.

  8. This is what they are teaching the kids at Columbia now:
    1, never let the facts get in the way of a good story
    2, make your position clear in the report, so as not to be mistakenly unbiased.

  9. Only the best for TT,Kings/Wilkes/Lccc students need not apply!Not Midwest or Ivy League enough sniff,sniff!

  10. Why does the Times-Tribune continue hire a bunch of hacks? It seems as though their reporters, who cannot write, lack intellectual backbone;
