Thursday, March 13, 2008

Mike Liechty is standing by to improve your writing

We didn't click on the link at first either. But former Times Leader News Editor Mike Liechty has hung out his own shingle as a freelance editor. Liechty – who uses Joe Student as a reference but not Allison Walzer or Dave Iseman or any current Times Leader employee – will polish up your blog for "$25 a page." Liechty characterizes his departure from the Times Leader in 2006 like this: "Having achieved all of his goals at the Times Leader, Mike resigned to seek other challenges."


  1. I used to love how he'd traipse out of the afternoon meeting on Fridays and go straight to the weekend dayside reporters and badger them about putting in photo assignments. He missed his calling. He should've been a member of Cheney's waterboard gang.

  2. You know you truly haven't seen it all when you see this.

  3. Can't wait til all the college profs start noticing Liechty-isms creeping into student papers. Christ, elements such as humor, wit and irony will all but disappear from creative writing papers from Nanticoke to La Plume. That's assuming he actually gets takers. That hawk must've pecked Liechty's brain one time too many to have him undertaking a project as ridiculous as this.

  4. I edited a niece's term paper once and we got an A. Maybe I should hang out a shingle, too.

    Actually, there might be a decent market for that kind of work.

  5. Who is that in the photo on the "About Me" section of the Web site? It sure ain't Tom Mooney.
