Saturday, March 15, 2008

Judge: Frank Andrews Shimkus is a big fat liar

Well, well, well. State Rep. and former WYOU anchor Frank Andrews is a fake and lied about his residence, a Commonwealth Court judge ruled yesterday. Borys Krawczeniuk reports: "Judge Jubelirer called the use of the Boulevard address “a purposeful misrepresentation made in bad faith and with intent to deceive the electorate.”

The judge further wrote, according to The Times-Tribune: “We find it incredible that (Mr. Shimkus), given his testimony about his injuries ... would reside in a house without his belongings, without a real bed and where there was ongoing painting when his new home, which he owned with his fiancee, where his belongings were, was approximately one mile away.” Frank has been tossed off the ballot.

Read the court's order – good stuff


  1. I bet that was tough for the TT to print and for Borys to report.

    FINALLY, someone is catching up to Frank's shenanigans.

  2. Saw Frank on WNEP Friday night. He had that "Roger Clemens testifying" look.

    Still, my guess is if he doesn't win his appeal he'll win re-election as a write-in. The voters love him.

    I know he's a spell-binding preacher, but how much longer until his congregation realizes what those who worked with him have known for years: the man is a a pathological liar.

  3. Poor Frank comes from the most accident prone family in area history. He's had countless slips, falls, and car wrecks. He was always taking time off because one or another of his kids had been in another traffic accident.

    Now he's marrying GP, who got big bucks in a fender-bender settlement that left the WYOU news car with about $800 damage.

    They shouldn't be living in Throop--they should rent a wing at CMC.

  4. On the negative side, more fuel for Pilchesky

  5. Do i smell his giblets roasting?

  6. Pilchesky doesn't need any fuel, he's the one who solely got Shimkus tossed off of the ballot. Ain't it amazing how he did it by doing one very simple thing; TELLING THE TRUTH.

    Joe brought with him the truth. Frank lied through his teeth. Frank lost. But that didn't stop him from marching in yesterday's parade. He was there. He doesn't look good.

  7. Anyone notice how Bill O'Boyle had the Vote for Hillary flag flying high with his kiss-kiss piece this morning on her Saturday parade appearance? Holy cow, they might as well have put a donkey trim around the article and a big Clintonian campaign pin in the center. The difference in tone between Borys' article and O'Boyle's illustrates the contrast between small-town, wanna-be political hack and polished professional with the chops to make it big-time nationally. O'Boyle's perception of the day lacked any context, analysis or discernment. Borys proved he belongs in conversation with the likes of Jim Lehrer, David Gergan or Charlie Rose. All O'Boyle proved is he has the political acumen of David Pingalore: that of a jokester cheerleading twit.

  8. O'Boyle has been in over his head since day one.

    You have to be kidding about Borys being national quality. This is the guy who bought the original Shimkus story hook, line and sinker. It's the same story the judge, who kicked Shimkus off the ballot, blew out of the water

  9. Borys has had 100 percent handle on this election from Day 1. Even his lede on Sunday put everything into context. Instead of pouring the whipped cream on Hill's nips and breaking out the Hershey syrup like O'Boyle did, Borys went straight to the real story: that the day was a HUGE missed opportunity for Obama. That's the part of the day that counts, the meat and potatoes, the nut, the so what...all right there up front. Who cares about all the pomp and circumstance? Who wants O'Boyle's cream-puff piece with a side of hot-fudge Billary sweetness? The fact is, the day was a HUGE missed opportunity for Obama. And a HUGE missed opportunity for O'Boyle. If I were Connor, I'd flat out call him in my office tomorrow, perhaps even fire him before firing up the customary morning batch of Texas pan-scrambled eggs.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Anyone notice how Bill O'Boyle had the Vote for Hillary flag flying high with his kiss-kiss piece this morning on her Saturday parade appearance? Holy cow, they might as well have put a donkey trim around the article and a big Clintonian campaign pin in the center. The difference in tone between Borys' article and O'Boyle's illustrates the contrast between small-town, wanna-be political hack and polished professional with the chops to make it big-time nationally. O'Boyle's perception of the day lacked any context, analysis or discernment. Borys proved he belongs in conversation with the likes of Jim Lehrer, David Gergan or Charlie Rose. All O'Boyle proved is he has the political acumen of David Pingalore: that of a jokester cheerleading twit.

    1:08 PM, March 16, 2008

    Hey Borish, stop posting about yourself.

  11. The last four posts apply to Rev. Frank Shimkus in what way exactly? Perhaps it is telling of NEPA journalism that a legitimate topic like this evolves into something totally unrelated

  12. "Northeast PA media news and gossip"--whoever you are--is there any way you could start an "Open Rant" thread at the top of the page? That way folks with a burning desire to be heard wouldn't have to clutter up ongoing threads.

    I'm as interested in O'Boyle, or O'Boy, or O'Boil, or Boris, or Borys, or Bore-us as the next guy: but I, too, thought this thread was about Frank what's-his-real-name.

  13. you people are misssing the whole point. This thread started with an attack on Borys. You're saying the other posts were unfounded, but everyone just let the attack on Borys pass uncontested. That's the problem here. It's not that people selectively attack; it's that they selectively defend as well

  14. Borys is a smart guy, but he drank Frank's Kool-Aid for a long, long time.

  15. Read the 40 page opinion from the judge!
    I just finished reading it online and it says he actually tried to move into the Boulevard address 3 days before the trial. Seems like he was trying to coverup this "incredible" story as the judge says in her report. Are we not supposed to trust our elected officials? This guy is not only a liar, he lied to the judge, he lied to the reporter from the Times, (nice phony pictures by the way) he also tried to coverup his lie! I actually feel sorry for him, this man needs a mental evaluation. Can he be charged criminally for perjury in a commonwealth court?

  16. That's too bad. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy...

  17. Andy Palumbo's blog speculates Frank did this to hide his cohabitation from the public. Seems viable

  18. No speculation required. Just read whatr the judge wrote in her opinion.

  19. Can I ask a question? Who gives a sh1t where he lives? Why does it even matter? Isn't it true that he doesn't even have to live in the district? The controversy is over three residences, all in the district he represents. The guy was living in three place over six months. The petition is filed at one moment in time. Sure, the petition wasn't technical accurate en perpetutity, but at the heart of it is three address in his district.. who gives a frick? It's not like he was taking money from the PLO.

  20. Jeez...just read the court ruling. He deliberately filed false papers to cover up the fact REVEREND Shimkus was living with a woman half his age because he knew the voters wouldn't approve. I don't want that kind of creep representing me.

  21. Don't miss this point.

    It's not that Frank's girlfriend is half his age, it's that she was a reporter when he was news director at WYOU. She was his girlfriend while he was still married, and they denied it and tried to hide it but everybody knew. If you acted liked you knew, you were retaliated against by Frank, who was a manager. Plus, he bent over backwards to give her every break in the world---from writing her scripts to 'special assignments,' which meant her time off was undetectable.

    Frank is a low life liar and fianlly getting the recognition he deserves for it.

  22. I've known Frank for many years. One thing I've noticed is that the people who have known him the longest trust him the least. It's the steady drip... drip... drip of tiny falsehoods, the lies told where none were necsssary, the excuses.

    On the surface, a charismatic, compassionate man. Hang around long enough and you'll see who's REALLY behind the curtain, Dorothy.

  23. I love how the spin has started on wilk radio. Frank all over the radio claiming he did indeed live in the Boulevard ave address. Frank do us all a favor, shut up, go home to Throop with the chickie. All you have to do is read that judges opinion to know what kind of person Shimkus is, and thats the problem, that 40 page opinion should be in the Times, but of course nobody will ever see that unless they come here. And the elderly that don't have internet will somehow vote him in again. SHAME.

  24. His must be the most forgiving church congregation ever. Frank forgot his marriage vows and forgot where he lived. HE forgets, THEY forgive. Preach it, Rev!

  25. Sook, Daube, Herbster, Dittmeier, Zobel, and Stueber are all to blame for the entire Frank mess.

    I wonder what they are thinking now?

    All of those 'men' allowed him to get away with everything. Anyone who walked into their offices to complain about the situation was scorned and ridiculed, even threatened with their jobs. All the while Frank told everyone how 'disappointed' and 'deeply hurt' he was because of the 'vicious lies and rumors' that were hurting his family.

    11:42 is right: He IS a pathological liar.

    I wonder what all of those suits think now that the truth is out?

    Shame on all of them.

  26. A sure sign the train has jumped the tracks.

    In this morning's T-T the Right Reverend Representative is quoted referring to himself in the third person: “'We plan to be a candidate in the primary, whether it is the Supreme Court putting us on the ballot or a write-in,' Mr. Shimkus said Monday as his legal team huddled over strategy."


    Everyone who was a victim of this hypocrite..(his lies, his twisting of the truth, his back-stabbing.)were right...FRANK IS NOTHING BUT A LIAR!!!!
    And I agree, Moron Zobel, Useless Herbster, Know-Nothing Dittmeier, Psycho Stueber and the rest of the gang ARE to blame for the whole Frankie situation. THEY LET HIM GET AWAY WITH LOTS! Let's hear from some of them on this post about this latest development.

    THE TRUTH IS CATCHING UP WITH YOU FRANK...and you deserve everything you get. ROT IN HELL.

  28. For anyone wondering about where his church is, I was pumping my gas at the Sunoco AM/PM between washburn & Luzerne streets, and it's directly across the street.
