Saturday, March 01, 2008

From the archives


  1. Only two still left at the TL

  2. Yeah but Corbett and Janowski are still leading the charge in the region's real reporting and commentary. Younger media people should take heed and try to be more aggressive watchdogs of the public trust rather than the whining asshats of today's local local journalism.

  3. Yeah but Corbett and Janowski are still leading the charge in the region's real reporting and commentary. Younger media people should take heed and try to be more aggressive watchdogs of the public trust rather than the whining asshats of today's local local journalism.

  4. Could you repeat that please?

  5. WTF? 10:54 pm put down the crack pipe

  6. Beibel is the example of class surrounded by bafoonery right here in this photo. Too bad a woman of such caliber must reduce herself to dealing with these neurotic morons every day.

  7. Who is that tool standing next to Corbett?

  8. I'm really tired of the term asshat. Give it a rest.

  9. Who's the younger clean-shaven guy? Not Clark. The other guy.

  10. Bob Nocek. Now works at the Arena

  11. Anonymous said...
    I'm really tired of being an asshat.I need to give it a rest.
    I want to be a dick not an asshat.
    Thank You
    3:55 PM, March 02, 2008

  12. asshatasshatasshatasshasshatasshatasshatasshatasshatgofuckyourselfasshasshatassasshatasshatasshatasshasshatasshatasshatasshatasshatasshasshatasshatasshatasshatasshatasshasshatassasshatasshatasshatasshasshatasshaturadickasshatasshatasshatasshasshatasshatasshatasshatasshatasshasshatassasshatasshatasshatasshasshatasshatasshatasshatasshatasshasshatasshatasshatasshatasshatasshasshatassasshatasshatasshatasshasshatasshat

  13. asshatasshatasshatgofuckyourselfasshasshatasshatasshatasshatasshatasshasshatassasshatasshatasshatasshasshatasshat

  14. This pic introduces the new spring clothing lines at K-Mart. Are those clip-on ties?

  15. Kevin Blaum (and Rich Connor) should have stayed with politics and left writers to write columns.

  16. Gotta give Corbett credit; he's a genuine journalist who perfects his trade on any platform. Print, web, radio. Frankly I never knew he was this good.

  17. well said, Steve.

    Janoski is a real journalist. Corbett is a cliche-addled poser, a semi-talented self-important hack who has made a mediocre career of pandering to the lowest common denominator of his readers and listeners.

  18. Corbett is a tool.

  19. Like it or not Corbett is connecting with listeners in the area. He show has gotten better and I understand his 6 pm show is the highest rated hour on WILK.

  20. """"Corbett is a cliche-addled poser, a semi-talented self-important hack who has made a mediocre career of pandering to the lowest common denominator of his readers and listeners.""""

    Even if all that were true, he'd still be the NEPA king of all media. Kelly makes that guy look like Mike Royko.
    Semi-talented? Mediocre? In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    Long live King Korbett!!

  21. That picture reminds me of the good ol days at the TL.

  22. Tell us what you've done that's better or even close to what Corbett has done and continues to do. End game, asshats.

  23. Clark Van Orden is one of the best photojournalists in the country. The list of great photographers who have worked at the TL includes a Pulitzer Prize winner, but none compare to the greatness of CVO!

    Someday the "Rude" will get a read job and sweep floors for a living.

  24. 1:41, you can't be serious. You only posted that to start a hate-on-CVO thread.

    P.S. Who is the shooter who went on to win a Pulitzer Prize after leaving the TL?

  25. Jim McMillian/is the shooter/ who was .......apart.....not....the only winner of the pulitzer for coverage in was a group effort win! And it was deserved.Mcmillian was a good shooter before he came here. This was just a stop off.

  26. Hey,1:41 first off will Clarks daughter stop posting for him,and all i gotta say is.....Moments.....the biggest pile of steaming horse shizzel ever god... I took a shot of a crinkled coat and called it...crinkled coat...!

  27. Cvo and Times Leader evenly matched photowise.

  28. I love seeing the voice photogs on the streets. They look like homeless folks with a camera. Are they aware cameras are auto focus these days? They suck (the cv photographers, not the cameras). Go get em' waren! you fat slob!

  29. Wow somebody with some real low self esteem had a nerve touched!Gotta love gettin personal! Shows the true lack of character.

    I agree with 2:52 they are evenly matched,but i have to say sometimes the freelancers outshoot the hired staff.

  30. Hey 3:30 auto focus is for pussys!

  31. Yo, that sh*t about Warren is out of line.The man does his job and doesnt f**k with anyone.Low Blow!

  32. Agree with that, Warren does his job and is polite and friendly. Same for Clark. Both great people.

  33. "I agree with 2:52 they are evenly matched,but i have to say sometimes the freelancers outshoot the hired staff."

    What freelancer outshoots any staffer?

    Are you drunk or something?

  34. I agree with 10:45.

  35. Its funny how much of a dildo people can be when they forget what its like to scramble and work for a living,but when you get to be fat,sassy,and old you can speak from mt.pomposity I guess.

  36. who is sassy and what freelancer?

  37. 9:06 your utter arrogance makes you sound even stupider than you are in real life.I know who you are.

  38. I love this blog. It's evidence that local newspapers have produced many Pulitzer Prize whiners!

  39. Yea, and they also produce enough complacent fat ass check collectors who forget whats its like to chase down story because their livin on their past.Meanwhile those who chose to stay have to suck on it or leave the valley.Yea its a great blog.

  40. Dear 4:09,
    You have no idea who I am. You may think you do but your sadly mistaken.
    Love, 9:06

  41. Saw the Warren the other day, I said hello, he grunted.

    Social skills of a rock.
