Wednesday, February 20, 2008

WNEP back in the day

Two NEP posts in a row: Through the magic of Google News Alerts, we came across this somewhat strange blog by a dude who used to work at WNEP. One of his posts is titled, "Bob Dole was raping me but Jerry Ford stopped him." Not sure who the author is. Enjoy.


  1. You REALLY don't know whose blog that is? I'll leave it to someone else to mention a name.

  2. Wasn't the station or at least the newsroom a series of trailers in the early days?

  3. For a time. talk about low-rent, rat-shack roots!

  4. couldn't have been much worse than bein in the basement of Scranton Prep.

  5. I'm sick of watching these local networks having snowfall as the lead story. And it's team coverage. WBRE just plain sucks! WNEP over does it, and WYOU, well, we all know about that helpless station. Someone shoot that station to put it out of its misery.
    Getting back to these pathetic networks, don't they know it's winter season and it snows in winter. Duh.

  6. 8:31
    Bad news. Your kid froze to death waiting for a school bus that never came. Sorry. You should watch more TV.

  7. What newspaper people don't understand is that weather affects EVERYONE in northeastern and central Pennsylvania. Regardless if you’re in Williamsport or Stroudsburg, you’re affected by the weather and the approaching storm.

  8. What's a "local network"?

  9. Bob Dole's gotta do what's best for Bob Dole

  10. "Bad news. Your kid froze to death waiting for a school bus that never came. Sorry. You should watch more TV."

    Dude. Only old people use the TV for that anymore. Our district has a mass phone message that we all get when school is canceled. We also get text messages to our phones.

    All those "School Closings" are for teachers, grandparents and TV reporters who have no knowledge of the Web.

  11. 2:16
    You're right. That's why I rely on newspapers for all my information.

    BTW--did you see E & P's article on the falloff of newspaper web site usage? NOW what?

  12. 2:16

    Glad you have all the answers, slick. Of course you are wrong. Less than 10 percent of people get their info from text messaging. TV? Over 60 percent.

  13. 8:46
    Look up facetious in the dictionary No? OK, try sarcasm. Does the phrase "tongue-in-cheek" mean anything to ya?

    You must be one of the swine I keep throwing my pearls in front of. Doh!


  14. Info like school closings on TV (worse on radio where there's no "crawl" and you have to hear a dummy reading a laundry list) is quickly going the way of button shoes. School district mass call systems, websites, text messages, if not yet prevalent will be inside a year or two, quote all the low text info percentages you want.

    Also I'd be willing to bet a kidney no kid ever froze to death ever...waiting for a school bus. Didn't you have the "If it's not here in five minutes I'm going home" thing when your bus was late when you were a kid? Please, that was just dumb.

  15. can i have your kidney?seriously?

  16. 10:13
    What, another poster who doesn't know the meaning of "tongue in cheek?"

    No wonder no one takes you people seriously: you all take yourselves SOOOOO seriously. Lighten the fuck up!

  17. Yeah, right back atcha 1:12. I think it was me who didn't get it.

  18. Think it was "I"?

  19. I love that blog site! I am not in the T.V. scene, so I find it very interesting. I also love Bill Mecca's posts.
    I don't care for all of the nasty comments. Even if someone is less than nice or ugly/old like Marisa Burke, it doesn't mean they aren't liked by their family and pets.

  20. My Momma loved me...but she died.

  21. 8:51, thanks I appreciate that.And what you say is true. We could get into a lot of communications theory etc, but basically, one does not see all sides of anyone. They only see them in certain situations, and even someone you despise is loved by someone else. It's something we should all strive to remember.

    and remember this:
    There is no reality, only perception.
