Monday, February 25, 2008

Whaddya expect for a quarter?

The daily Citizens' Voice will be a quarter until further notice. "The change will make The Citizens’ Voice the best buy in Luzerne County," Publisher Scott Lynett says. Right.


  1. Good move by the Voice. TS has the money to supplement the drop in circulation income. As more people pick up the Voice, the advertisers and money will follow. Not good news if you work for the TL. The first shot has been fired by the CV right into the belly of the beast (TL). The question is will or CAN the TL match the cut.

  2. The woman on the sign looks familiar. Anyone know who she is?

  3. interesting move by the CV cutting its price on the same day the TL increases to 50 cents. Way I see it, if this keeps up...soon they will be paying us to read the paper

  4. She looks like Jennifer Lynette.

  5. It's Jen Lynette

  6. Perhaps a good thing from the readers' point of view: "We still get the whole story for less than a buck!" (overheard on Main Street yesterday)

  7. Cute, blonde, slender -- no, she's not from NEPA.

  8. Well said, 1:42. Who has deeper pockets, the Lynettes or Connor? Who's more likely to survive a protracted price war, the entrenched and successful Lynettes or Rich and his band of of semi-anomyous backers?

    Beginning of the end for the T-L?

  9. Anonymous said...
    Well said, 1:42. Who has deeper pockets, the Lynettes or Connor? Who's more likely to survive a protracted price war, the entrenched and successful Lynettes or Rich and his band of of semi-anomyous backers?

    Beginning of the end for the T-L?

    7:45 PM, February 26, 2008

    Hey Skrapits, don't you have anything better to do than to post negative comments.

  10. That wasn't me -- I'm not an anonymous coward. Leave me out of this.

  11. I'm 1:42 and in management in another city and don't want my name used. But any smart journalist would know this is the beginning of the end for the TL. Either two things will happen: Connor and his investors buy the TL from the private equity firm or the Lynetts buy the TL. End of story.

  12. I think it's far to earlier to announce the demise of the TL over a quarter.

    Quite frankly, will anyone even miss that quarter?

  13. The wagons are circling the TL, and RC must be breathing dust. The Lynetts have surrounded his one trick pony with a herd of runners, from Scranton/Wilkes-Barre/Hazleton to Shamokin and Pottville, to Tunkhannock, Towanda and others. The sweet timing of the CV's price cut says they're playing with RC like a cat with a rubber mouse. Rich and his one-horse-town TL can't be regional against the Lynett stable, and his options are evaporating. His ego will keep the TL in the rodeo, but it's only a matter of time, folks. This comes not from a competitor, but one who is disappointed that Rich didn't live up to the image he and others created. I'd prefer an energetic two-paper market.

  14. It's not the question of missing a quarter. It's a question that the cheapos that live in NEPA will buy the CV to SAVE that quarter. Where'd you graduate from? The Idiot School of Business? No wonder papers are in the shape they're in with Business Brains (and I say that sarcastically) employed by the TL.

  15. Several years ago, the TL was 10 cents when the Voice was 25. Connor was the publisher then.

  16. Heard the TL was thinking about the price increase some time ago, but Connors refused to do it. Probably because it wasn't his idea. Must be operating in crisis mode now and need some quick cash.

  17. I'd do Jen for a quarter and ask for change.

  18. 3:32PM
    Thanks for noting when you switched to sarcasm. It's important around here THAT... YOU... TELEGRAPH... YOUR... INTENTIONS... whenever you try to be witty, sarcastic or profound.

    Irony, hyperbole: we don't use 'em 'round here.

  19. f uck you, 8:10. That was inappropriate and unnecessary. I'm no fan of the girl either, but come on. Grow up. Just because post anonymously on the Internet doesn't give you permission to say things you wouldn't in public. That goes for all of yous guys.

  20. 8:44, in a knight on a white horse sort of way I'd have to say you're right but in the end you get the respect you deserve.

  21. I am sort of confused why you all seem to think the TL raising the price to 50 cents and the CV lowering their price to 25 cents is a bad sign for the TL. I see it the other way around. The CV will ultimately lose money and subscribers. The TL is a better product any day of the week. The CV is nothing but a red headed step child no one knows what to do with.

  22. Hold up. For years, the CV was 50 cents while the TL was 25 cents and the CV hung on for years until the Lynetts took over to save it. It took years before it caught up with the CV, and that's when the paper was far worse than the TL of today. To say this is the beginning of the end may be true, but it's not like the end is two months away.

  23. No the end is when Connor's private equity investors pull the plug. And that time is getting close as their investment is not proving to be as financially sound as they had hoped.

  24. The TL made the decision to drop the price to .25 and it proved to be a great move. The sc copy circ increased immediately The fact that RC raised the cost means one thing, he is looking in every spot possible to find revenue. His back is up against the wall. The CV is using every tactic that was used against them in the 90's. It worked. Too bad KR was stupid enough not to buy them when they had the chance.
    The end may not be 2 months away, but this is definitely the beginning of the end. I too had high hopes for RC but he can't get past his own ego to get the job done. And I can't believe the investors would be that dumb to bail him out. Bad investment.

  25. People of Wilkes-Barre are cheap. Less is more. The CV will benefit and the TL will suffer.

  26. I commend Jennifer Lynette. She has helped MANY families and charities.
    The work she does behind the scenes helping people far out ways the jealous ugly words left on this site.
    When is the last time you helped someone?
    When is the last time you did something good for another person?
    Try it,with any luck,you might burst into flames

  27. (weighs) not (ways )for you grammar snobs!

  28. It is the content of the post and the feelings expressed, not the spelling.

  29. Grammar snobs! Good one! Like proper grammar (and spelling) somehow are related to being a snob.

    By the way it's one word, outweighs.

    And it's Lynett.

    Taking into account the spelling errors and a grammatical leap of faith speaks to perceptivity (I didn't even mention intelligence) at the least and so who knows how it or the lack thereof affects the proverbial rose colored outlook?

    Also, don't confuse showing up for the picture with helping behind the scenes. Certain individuals are asked to lend their name (and so, to show up for the picture) because their presence helps guarantee the picture gets published.

  30. BTW the word is FUCKOFF and it's spelled GO FUCK YOURSELF 2:04 PM, March 03, 2008

    The kid who left that nice comment about Jen is disabled and you are a FUCKING ugly fat assed JACKOFF!
