Friday, January 04, 2008

Jen Marckini resurfaces at the TL

Former Scranton Times-Tribune reporter Jen Marckini, who left the Scranton paper recently, has resurfaced in Wilkes-Barre. She had a five-paragraph story in yesterday's paper about a Kingston stabbing.


  1. Thank you, Santa.

  2. death, taxes and Jen Marckini

  3. I'd do things to her that prince wouldnt even sing about

  4. Is she as good looking in person as in the pic?

    Please: WBRE, WNEP, WYOU--hire her and I'll lick my screen.

  5. Is it any wonder a woman is having trouble getting into the White House?

  6. She's better in person, kind of an Italian Barbie doll, tall, tight, great ass, always about to burst out of her blouse. She loves to show off for co-workers.
    I hope somebody is giving that girl what she's looking for.

    I'm convinced that a lot of the chaos and turmoil on the Scranton metro desk last year came from sexual tension and from Ed, Kelly, The Wiz and some of the other boys all trying to play the big swingin' johnson. The atmosphere got pretty crazy when Jen started strugging around.

  7. I'll bet they had to twist Rich Connor's arm ... to get him to sign off on hiring her.

  8. Hey. It's Friday night, guys. Instead of jacking off over a professional woman you'll never have, why don't you fire up the 'ol 99 Honda and head on out to...wherever it is that little penises like to poke through? Pretty easy being anonymous, isn't it.

  9. She's not tall, (average, maybe 5'6" at best) the ass and boobs are great, but she's got the face of a drag queen.

    Wears the same pants every day. Really. Every single day.

    No way in hell she could ever work for TV. Multiply the way she can't write by ten; that's how well she can speak.

    Please, more photos from the chin down though.

  10. Didn't you guys hear me? Put those little penises away before you go blind!!!

  11. I'd put loads all over her and rudolph's nose.....filthy farm animals

  12. "Pretty easy being anonymous, isn't it.

    Hey, "Anonymous" is actually my name. Yours is either "pot" or "black kettle," right?

  13. I know you are but what am I?
    Did not/did too!


  14. Connor didn't help her move, but he did promise to get an eyebrow transplant.

  15. Sorry haters, they're real and they're STILL fabulous!

  16. My God she has a nice rack. I love this blog. Keep up ( I do mean up ) the great work.

  17. Don't know any straight guys who weren't big Jen fans. The haters were strictly jealous chicks and ...others. I mean, how many people know what "the face of a drag queen" looks like? Not me. It's no coincidence that she didn't get hired at the CV.

  18. Die doode wike ta tick martinez inta hah toosie... DATS IT!!!!

  19. Boobs and ass.

    No face, no lips, no brain, no eyebrows.

    She's a 20 footer at best.

    Heard she liked the cops. Newsroom, pretty much Kemeny and an artist. Never heard of anyone chasing after her. Heard plenty about what she claimed ailed her though.

    It's a wash.

  20. fuckin kemeny would have chased after a dead leper.

  21. Her face in this photo reminds me of that creepy doll riding a tricycle in the "Saw" movies.

  22. Connor has a history of getting involved with women who work for him. This one looks a bit like his wife. He'll be all over her in no time. Prediciton. He'll have another lawsuit on his hands and be forced to sell to settle.

  23. Saw her this morning... very nice. Great legs, too.

  24. She does look like Connor's wife, doesn't say much for her though... I'd bet Good 'Ol Rich has others lined up for courtesy bj's.

  25. 7:07: So Jen's a "professional woman" now? What does that mean -- she was handing out rate cards?

  26. Look out - they're gonna blow!!!

  27. Well, I'd rate her a 10. But only after i put her lips through a quality ensurance examination. I bet Connor did that before she got the job. Only that probably wasnt the lips on her face

  28. This is all very entertaining, and yes I would love to see more Jen pics or perhaps a video tape, but does anyone want to talk about how the TL got its ass kicked by the CV on the Sica story, and how in turn the Philly Inquirer stomped both the local papers.
    Did anyone else have the tip on D'Elia talking to the feds???

  29. I would never have expected to be sticking up for her, and I'd be the first to agree she brings some of this on herself by the way she dresses, but is it really necessary to publicly degrade Marckini all the time? Must everyone talk about her crudely in both directions, whether its the lustful comments of some or the "drag queen" comments of others?

    The girl obviously has some issues she needs to sort out; there's no need to give her so much shit.

    Locker room talk is one thing -- when it's in the locker room, just guys talking. But this is all out in the open on the Internet for anyone to see. I don't understand why people on this site insist on saying terrible things about women all the time. It's as if some of you never had a daughter or sister.

  30. Agreed.
    It's one thing to drool over some porn star or Hollywood skank like Spears, Lohan, Hilton et al, but like it or not this is a colleague of some of the people who post here. Doesn't say much for the sense of decorum and sexual mores in NEPA newsrooms.
    That said ... if she normally dresses as provacatively as this pic suggests, perhaps she doesn't mind the hoots and catcalls.

  31. I sure there are a lot of women jealous of her, they don't use their sexuality to get a job. Let us hard is it to write a police story..and how many stories do you write in one week, not just one.

    A women wants to earn a position because of their qualifications, and this is the perfect example of the opposition.

  32. yeah, way to raise the level of discourse.:)

  33. "This is all very entertaining, and yes I would love to see more Jen pics or perhaps a video tape, but does anyone want to talk about how the TL got its ass kicked by the CV on the Sica story, and how in turn the Philly Inquirer stomped both the local papers.
    Did anyone else have the tip on D'Elia talking to the feds???

    10:35 PM, January 07, 2008

    No, but thanks for asking.

    Let's get back to the titty talk.

  34. Male newspaper folk are infamous for being perverted. Who was that TL sportswriter who got caught slobbering over the field hockey teams her was covering, with bondage stuff in his car trunk?
    Ladies, we can rise about this nonsense by laughing off these infantile comments. And just for the record -- there really is very little jealously among women when it comes to this stuff. More like we feel sorry for the poor girl having to put up with these jerks and their comments. Fact is, when men start objectifying women sexually, it speaks volumes about their own inadequacies rather than the woman.

  35. Personally, I would ring her bell like a Salvation Army volunteer with Parkinson's.

  36. Despite your juvenile titters, JM racked up quite a few accomplishments at the Times Tribune. Some folks say she was a bust, but I think they got an udder thing coming. She did a great job of keeping abreast of local news. Some people may nipple over the details, but that girl’s got a major-league set of skills. Always alert and at attention. And of course, she blew me away on the job tryout. Gotta go now – I’m interviewing a job candidate at Hooters.

  37. smurf is a boob

  38. I say she should do a first-person undercover expose on life as an exotic dancer at one of our local establishments. She could tell us what it's like to swing on a pole, give a lap dance, shake her naked boobs in someone's face and she could reveal what happens in those oh-so-special private dances. And of course she should abide by that old tennent of journalim: show, don't, don't tell indeed. It would make for quite an exquisite piece

  39. This definitely upsets my newsroom women I'd boink pecking order.

  40. That you have a newsroom pecking order is somewhat disturbing. Just who among the lot would you find attractive? Diana was probably the closest thing to a hottie that newsroom had for a long time until Miss Tatters came along. that little Sheena can shake her thang, but let's not go overboard. Don't tell me you'd consider the likes of LaCoe hot. But I must say, if Marckini does top your pecking order, careful: it might get a little top heavy

  41. Sad commentary on the state of newspaper writing in this town when the best stuff (like Smurf's) is utilized in an anonymous message board forum

  42. Hard to believe we're now 44 posts into this discussion with no mention of The Wiz.

  43. But we do mention Soprano. Think he'll oogle after her like he does everyone else female and under age 30?

  44. Let's see the TL hotlist rankings.

  45. Anonymous said...
    Let's see the TL hotlist rankings.

    7:48 PM, January 10, 2008

    Male and/or female?

  46. I'd boink Rich Connor all night. ;)

  47. 1. Jen Marckini -- by a mile, even if she was just an A cup.
    2. Sheena Delazio
    3. Rebecca Bria
    4. The butch blonde designer

    After that it thins out significantly. But there's a handful of older than early 20s good looking women.

    There used to be more to look at like Isabel and Lisa and Jess.

  48. Got your attention? The answer is not Jen Marckini. Whatever her skills here, she is the victim of systematic character assassination by a real whore.

    A whore does this:

    A whore is one who is so consumed with hatred that he'd trumpet a Web posting about the fire death by Joe Pilchesky over the TT.

    Only a whore bent on revenge could make such a comparison in light of a history like this:

    Leave Marckini alone. It's time to start asking more about the real whore.

  49. "There used to be more to look at like Isabel and Lisa and Jess."

    I hope the Lisa you speak of is not the sports/features Lisa (Sokolowski). She looked like puke and acted like an asshole.

  50. Puke? Hardly. But then someone on here called Marckini a 20-footer at best. Both puke and Marckini are way out of the league of any guy in the TL newsroom unless roofies are involved.

  51. Most of the TL people that are attacked on this site are older and have been in the business for 15, 20 or even 30 years. Think about it: Do you really think people like Connor, Butkiewicz, Soprano, Woelful, Fennick and all of the other TL vets really give a shit what somebody says on an on-line message board? They're secure people in their lives and their careers, have been succesful, and have taken greater shots in the real world and in the newsroom - and have survived - than any trite nonsense anybody could dish out here. What sucks about this Godforsaken place is that young people just entering the field of journalism are attacked as well, and the shots likely come from canky old fucks who are 15-25 years older. That's pathetic. Please, before you post here again, think about this: How would you have felt when you were 21-25 years old, working at a new place, still trying to learn your craft and start a career, and you found out people you hardly know are already gossiping about you in such an ugly fashion. It's tough enough to be a young writer without having to deal with such foolishness. Next time you're about the post about some young kid like Lisa or this Jen girl, think about how you would have felt if it were you at that age. What did Jesus say was the 11th commandment? Do to others as you'd have done to you. Someday you'll have to meet your maker and answer to this cowardly piss-fest, and that also includes the person who runs this website. He too will have to answer to a higher power for all of this someday. And I know, HE will not be pleased.

  52. Well said 11:45 p.m. Well said.

  53. that doesnt change the pecking order

  54. I agree with above.

    However, the person who "runs" this Web site, posts items of interest. The posters are responsible for the discourse.
    This sandbox is fairly neutral. What happens here is our responsibility.

  55. "This sandbox is fairly neutral. What happens here is our responsibility."

    No. The cowardice must stop. The gutless coward who runs this Web site, who hides behind anonymity and free speech, has the power to moderate, to behave like an editor. To edit for fairness, libel, good taste.

    After all, the media outlets he so despises at least attempt to do that. But then again, their staffers have college degrees.

    This isn't about journalism anymore -- if, indeed, it ever was. It's a crutch for the emotionally retarded to beat their enemies over the head with. To air the dirtiest of dirty laundry. To gossip. To malign. To hurt.

    I think it would be interesting to see whether Mr. Nepa Media would moderate and kill posts about himself and his own dirty laundry.

  56. Isn't this where someone's supposed to say, "Hey, if you don't like it, don't read it."?

  57. can we please go back to ranking the women in the TL newsroom

  58. 1029: Isn't this where someone's supposed to say, "Hey, if you don't like it, don't read it."?

    A: Isn't this where someone's supposed to say, "Hey, isn't that the facile response of a coward or a slack-jawed, lowest-common-denominator cretin?"

    1114: can we please go back to ranking the women in the TL newsroom

    A: Are you happy 10:29?

  59. Please don't post unless you have something constructive to add to the discussion here.

    Now lets get back to the tits?

  60. I have spoken to God, and He says He doesn't give a shit what you write here. He also says that on the seventh day, He created The Wiz!

  61. Does she have a website?

  62. QUOTE: "Who was that TL sportswriter who got caught slobbering over the field hockey teams her was covering, with bondage stuff in his car trunk?"

    Is anybody going to answer that one? I am dying to know if it is who I think it might be. I had heard stories from afar about one former TL sports type, but never any details, so I don't know if it is him, or if that place had other pervs as well.


  64. Who'd have thought Steve would end up on this thread?


  66. Wow, she would even give Van Rose a woody.

  67. Doesn't she look like Spitzer's chick?

  68. i have No clue how ended up looking at this
    but here i am
    sorry to have to bury this a_hole convention but if any of yous truly knew what jenn's about,
    you'd likely fall in love.
    obviously none of you have ever even met her
    an old friend

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