Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Welcome Roja Heydarpour to the Scranton Times-Tribune

Well. The New York Times to The Times-Tribune of Scranton isn't a career track you see every day. But welcome to Roja Heydarpour, a Columbia University grad school product who has her own real Wikipedia page. Kudos.

Update: Lest anyone think Heydarpour was exiled to Scranton, read the glowing memo circulated in the Times newsroom upon her departure:

Roja Heydarpour is jumping from the NYT ship to become a full time reporter at the Scranton Times-Tribune. Today (Nov. 16) is her last day.

As Sewell Chan pointed out in an e-mail, "Northeastern Pennsylvania had better watch out."

Roja came to us almost two years ago, while still pursuing her master's at Columbia, and has been a rock solid anchor on the Metro desk ever since. No matter what chaotic news event broke out around here, she was there to calmly keep the desk humming along, providing a patient, steady presence for Metro reporters and editors. You never saw her sweat.

Take a moment to reflect on just how many phone calls Roja has answered during her dayside Metro tenure.

Most recently, she began contributing blog postings to City Room and moderating reader comments, gracefully incorporating new web duties into her often hectic day. "Roja has been a vital part of the city room blog since it launched in June," Sewell said. "She juggles blogging and comment moderation with her other duties in a way that seems effortless."

True. So let's toast her, shall we. Come raise a glass in her honor today at 4 p.m. in the conference room near my office. Just wander over toward Margaux's desk and you'll find it.

And that's just the appetizer. Roja asks that you join her afterwards, any time after 5:30, at Cafe Andalucia on Ninth Avenue between 39th and 40th. She'll be there into the wee hours.



  1. Ninety percent of Columbia journalism students do a stint at the NYTimes. Just something to help their resumes. Nothing unusual.

  2. Welcome. An online resume citing articles in the New York Times is a much better introduction to NEPA than a flash-your-rack shot on Myspace.

  3. She won't last very long if she ignores her bosses.

  4. Roja is Rojawesome!

  5. Sewell Chan is kick-ass. If he vouches for her, that's a very good thing.

  6. Didn't Elizabeth Skrapits also go to Columbia? Just saying.

  7. You have to get some clips someplace, don't ya?

    Frankly, I applaud her for being willing to work someplace smaller to get some experience. Too many kids get out of J-school and think they should start at the top, instead of working their way to it.

    Good luck Roja ... Scranton is not hell, but it is on the same trolley line.

  8. If Skrapits went to Columbia I'll eat every butt in the gutter in front of the Anthracite News Stand.

  9. Sure did. Undergrad, though, not the J-school: I got my BA in English from Barnard College of Columbia University.

    Want a knife and fork, 1:57?

  10. I think she's sexy as all hell.

  11. The above comment was answering the question of whether Skrapits is hot. I've never seen the new girl.

  12. Two things, (1.) if Crapitz is hot then Christopher Kelley is a cover model, and (2.) if she went to Columbia then she should be asking for her tuition money back. She is downright dreadful!

  13. Two things, (1.) if Crapitz is hot then Van Rose is a cover model, and (2.) if she went to Columbia then she should be asking for her tuition money back. She is downright dreadful!

  14. Personality can be sexy, too.

  15. No more "Cafe Andalucia on Ninth Avenue between 39th and 40th" for Roja. Welcome to the food court at the Steamtown Mall!

  16. Leave Elizabeth alone. She's a great person and a good reporter. Don't trash her to compensate for your meaningless, pathetic life.

  17. Oh, poor Crapitz. She is a garbage writer, and that's all there is to it. Columbia, HA! Reading her stuff over the years, it looks more like she went to the Matt Engle School of Journalism. Captain State the Obvious! How about a little creativity!

  18. great post 11:01.
    For the record, Van Rose was a cover model for a brief period of time.
    Roja, the Woodlands has a New York-ish flair on a good night.

  19. 3:52: Stop posting anonymously coward.

  20. The only thing NYC-ish about the Woodlands is the coke being snorted in the bathrooms, which probably was stepped on in the Bronx before getting to Trolley Town.
