Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Corbett: I love, love, love the TL

We understand that Corbett posted this blog piece a cool two weeks ago. But "I’ll always be part of the Times Leader" is too good to pass up. Corbett blogs about his love for the paper at the same time as the big birthday party, though it seems he didn't attend.


  1. The funny part is when Corbett credits himself or the TL for stories that the CV is breaking.

    For example, yesterday he was yelling about the TL breaking the story about the DUI arrest of the Pittston School Board Member when, in fact, the CV had it on their website first.

  2. While we're on the subject of Corbett, could we drop the term "lively" from the description of his blog?
    My interpretation of a "lively" blog is one that has lots of give and take, generates a divergence of opinion and has demonstrably high traffic.
    His "blog" is just Corbett's wanderings, without any chance for readers to offer feedback, hence nothing "lively" about it.

  3. Gotta agree with 11:21 there. Corbett's blog is better than his radio shows, but most days that's really not saying much at all. And, yes, he's making it sound like he's leading the investigation into Luzerne County, if not doing all of it himself, when a lot of "his" material comes directly out of the CV.

  4. Yeah, Healey, well a lot of your material comes directly out of your ass

  5. Corbett was working the day of the party and talked with Connor on the air. The TL was better in the old days than all the current local dailies put together. Corbett's daily online column is far better than any column published in any of the local papers on any given day. And you're listening to the show, has-been, never-was or wannabe, because he's got your attention, something he's always done as well as anybody in the news business.

  6. Blog "feedback" is often as dull and boring as many of the posts on this site. Most of you sel-styled media critics wouldn't know how to write lively news or opinion if Sam Hyder did a flashdance at the next Penguins game.

  7. that's self-styled, of course.

  8. I wasn't necessarily leveling judgment about the quality of Corbett's writing (though some of it does feel forced and he is struggling mightily with coming up with decent endings) but rather just opining that I don't think it even really qualifies as a "blog" as we have come to define them. It is what you say, merely a daily online column. Most blogs I see on media sites provide an opportunity to comment.
    That would be "lively."

  9. "Corbett's daily online column is far better than any column published in any of the local papers on any given day. And you're listening to the show, has-been, never-was or wannabe, because he's got your attention, something he's always done as well as anybody in the news business."

    The first part's true. His blog/column is good. As to the second, I stopped listening to his show quite some time ago. He's got a voice more suited to newspapers than radio.

  10. Corbett still gets out of the building, still talks to real people, and the column reflects their lives and concerns.
    It's not me-me-me, what I saw on TV or the Internet, or quips from the guy at the next cubicle.
    He has something to say and it's totally original, except when he's plagiarizing his own past columns, which is inevitable when you've been columnizing for 20-plus years.
    Plus, it's unabashedly local.
    For me, all that adds up to "lively."

  11. "For example, yesterday he was yelling about the TL breaking the story about the DUI arrest of the Pittston School Board Member when, in fact, the CV had it on their website first."

    Wrong again. Check the stories online. The TL posted at 4:51; the CV at 5:45.

  12. 9 times out of 10 daily, the CV gets beat on breaking news.

  13. 8:12 ...

    The CV/TL pissing match that the debit card story precipitated has been fun to observe, but I have to say: anyone who thinks the TL is still better than the CV isn't being honest with himself. The CV has been consistently better for the past year or so. The TL still has some good writers, but they're undermanned and their focus has been shifted away from news and on to inane crap.

    The way people insist on beating up on the Voice is appalling. Clearly, it is an improving paper. It's better now than it was a year ago, and a year ago it was better than it was a year before that.

    And yet people feel this desperate need to call the CV second-rate, a falsehood proffered just as frequently by some of the jagoffs at the CV's own sister paper.

    It's the NEPA style: put down your neighbor to make yourself feel better and avoid acknowledging the troubling things happening in your own house. And it's pathetic. The CV is doing a solid job with the tools it has. It has led the charge in the debit card story. Enough said. Get over it.

    Oh, and P.S. Corbett is the man.

  14. Jesus Christ give it a rest.
    Corbett credited both papers as he reported and commented on the air on the breaking news. The guy's a pro who's bringing a new voice to a region through an increasingly powerful medium that only accentuates what all three daily papers are doing. He gets it. Do you?

  15. The Watcher is an asshole.

  16. Probably a small businessman...and I do mean small.

  17. former NEPA journo said...
    8:12 ...

    The CV/TL pissing match that the debit card story precipitated has been fun to observe, but I have to say: anyone who thinks the TL is still better than the CV isn't being honest with himself. The CV has been consistently better for the past year or so. The TL still has some good writers, but they're undermanned and their focus has been shifted away from news and on to inane crap.

    The way people insist on beating up on the Voice is appalling. Clearly, it is an improving paper. It's better now than it was a year ago, and a year ago it was better than it was a year before that.

    And yet people feel this desperate need to call the CV second-rate, a falsehood proffered just as frequently by some of the jagoffs at the CV's own sister paper.

    It's the NEPA style: put down your neighbor to make yourself feel better and avoid acknowledging the troubling things happening in your own house. And it's pathetic. The CV is doing a solid job with the tools it has. It has led the charge in the debit card story. Enough said. Get over it.

    Oh, and P.S. Corbett is the man.

    10:32 PM, December 04, 2007

    Hey 10:32 p.m.

    I don't know what you've been smoking, drinking, snorting or injecting, but most of these posts are coming from CV people beating up on the TL. The CV scooped the TL on one story and they're enjoying their 15 minutes of fame.

  18. Has anyone tried to get a glimpse of the walzer-tl agreement? Because guess what people, she returns to the tl in march 2008. she will remain editor until connor sells to ts and she will receive a $1 million severance package. I'm surprised nobody has digged deep on this. christ, i live 250 miles away and got the details from someone inside the tl. Get to work and stop whining on who broke the debit card story first, that doesn't matter. What matters is walzer is BACK.

  19. To 10:23, you're correct. I've been out of NEPA for a long time also, almost 500 miles away, and I heard the same deal. These idiots posting on these boards don't know a fucking thing that's actually going on.


  20. Corbett's on-air interview skills definitely need some polish. Did you listen to yesterday's interview with Skrepenak? Corbett has a tendency to be all-Larry King on air and then turn into Tim Russert the moment he hangs up the phone.

    Steve had Skrepenak on air live. Skrepenak has the answers to a lot of the concerns people have been raising, but Steve refused to press him for answers. He let him skate with responses like "it was an honest mistake" and "I take responsibility" (but no I'm not going to resign or do anything else other than say 'I take responsibility').

    Maybe that's what Steve did when he interviewed people for print, but a broadcast interview is a different animal. If you score an interview with the top guy, who knows what's going on, you don't let him jerk you around for the whole interview.

  21. For all the positives I hear about Corbett's past columns, man he's a choppy writer. I like the Times Leader. It is neat. I worked there. I liked it. It was a fun place. We worked hard. The Times Leader is a good place.
    Sentences can contain more than four words.

  22. 12:04 makes an excellent point about Corbett's interviewing skills or lack thereof. He's all bluster and belligerence until he actually has to talk to the people he skewers.
    12:30 also nails it regarding his writing style. And as I said before, watch he how meanders as he's looking for a closing, finally ending with some sweeping non-sequitur.

    So is 10:23 Iseman or is it 11:29? Or both?

  23. Regarding the Walzer "agreement," a shred of documentary proof would be nice.

  24. You're reading Corbett. You're listening to Corbett. You're writing about Corbett. You'd love to be Corbett. Corbett wins.

  25. A daily online column is very different from a three-a-week newspaper column. Corbett writes every day. Then he does four hours live. Try it sometime. Then ask somebody to hire you to do it. Corbett lets people talk. Then he comments. He doesn't argue just for the sake of arguing. He lets that to you "experts."

  26. Hey Steve.
    For Dropping By.
    Air time soon.

  27. hahahahahahahahahahaa
    that was walzer

  28. You Better Listen

  29. Regarding the Walzer "agreement," a shred of documentary proof would be nice.

    1:21 PM, December 05, 2007

    Very true 1:21 -- I just searched all four cases she filed against Cypress Media and none of them have the settlement agreement listed on the docket. Unless Connor released it to the newsroom, it's not available.

  30. Shred this Iseman

  31. After much consideration -- and after someone checked Pacer -- I have decided that 10:23 and 11:29 don't know what the fuck they're talking about re: the disposition of Allison Walzer's litigation. For a couple reasons.

    1. Settlement agreements that end lawsuits are rarely a matter of public record. There are exceptions, usually when a litigant is a government agency or a minor or an estate. Obviously none of those apply in this case. Also, one or both parties could -demand- that the settlement be entered into the record -- that happened in Wilkes-Barre a few years ago whe the plaintiff (a widow) in a med mal case refused to settle unless the deal was made public, so everyone could know how egregious the physician's conduct was. It takes a strong stomach and the willingness to lose a lot of money or scotch the whole settlement to do that. Does Allison Walzer seem like the sort of person to do that? You tell me. And if she were, she would have announced it on the courthouse steps in Philadelphia. Her silence answers this question for us.

    2. Regardless of whether the settlement is a matter of public record, the terms as alleged by posters here are too nuts to hold up to inspection. Why, in a million years, would Richard Connor agree to rehire Allison Walzer? I would argue that for Connor, the grief associated with rehiring her would far outweigh any potential jury award -- an award that was by no means a sure bet and an award that the newspaper has insurance for.

    This litigation was not a purely professional disagreement where the parties went for a beer after hearings. Allison repeatedly attempted to get Connor's sexual history on the record, and questioned his sexual ethics. The lawyers probably billed 50 hours each writing snotty letters and motions for sanctions.

    No, this is the sort of settlement where the parties sign and then hope to never, ever see each other again.

    One last reason this is bullshit: It seems likely that Connor will at least entertain offers to buy the paper over the coming years. Can you imagine trying to sell to the staid Lynetts -- or anyone else -- with a sue-happy employee in the editor's office, a sue-happy employee who is a millionaire and who is a pain in the ass and who also can't be fired?

    Nice try. I'll pass. Allison may be back some day, but it will be on the terms of whoever owns the paper and not hers.

  32. Maybe she'll move to Missouri.

  33. Iseman doesn't like her anymore.
    He even said it under oath.

  34. her million dollar payment comes WHEN the tl is sold.

  35. Yeah, who are the ONLY interested buyers again?
    How do you negotiate a price when there's a constellation of one buyer?

  36. eponymous, you are a current TL employee. And everyone knows

  37. Hi. 3:27 from yesterday back one last time. Allison may very well have agreed to defer part of her settlement payment. It's not unusual for settlements to be structured like that -- you agree to pay X today, Y on Dec. 31, 2008 and Z upon sale of the paper or on Dec. 31, 2011, whichever comes first. It's not too different from the choice lottery winners get: take a smaller lump sum now or an annuity that pays more but over a period of time.

    Allison is the perfect candidate to agree to a structured settlement. She's young, earned a pile of money from KR, married into yet more money and lives in a town with a tiny cost of living.

    However the settlement was structured, there is no chance her return to the TL is part of it. None. Zero. Zip. From a publisher's point of view, putting her back in charge damages the value as much as burning the building down.

  38. hey 5:42 aka Corbett:
    you callin' me out, punk?
    I do not now nor have I ever worked at the TL.
    Now tell me who I am, smart guy.

  39. Eponymous, if you're a sayso hater, like most on this board, you should publish your name and not hide...

  40. I love listening to these radio know-it-alls debate and take calls from people discussing the debit card mess.

    Kevin Lynn, Nancy Kamon, Sue Henry and of course, Steve Corbett. They never let the caller finish their thoughts, and they cut them off because of a news break or commercial.

    Kevin Lynn: "I'm not defending these county guys because it's dollars, what I'm saying is there is millions and millions in dollars being wasted."
    Nancy Kamon: "What are you saying, it's the principle that they're spending a single dollar in a strip club. Let's go to Joe in Plains."

    Joe in Plains: "Yeah, I'm getting sick and tired of these politicians who spend, spend, spend. I'm a taxpayer and I'm..."

    Kevin: "Now wait a minute Joe, I'm a taxpayer too and don't say I'm not."

    Joe in Plains: "I didn't..."

    Kevin: "Joe, Joe, Joe, let me finish. I'm a taxpayer and what I'm saying there's millions and millions of dollars being sent. Oh, we need to go to a news break. Here's Bud Brown."

    Bud Brown: "...(reading from the newspapers)....and that's the news, it's time now for the Sue Henry show."

    Sue Henry: "I'm a Republican and because Luzerne County historically votes Democrats, it's all your fault, People! Let's go to Frank in Wilkes-Barre."

    Frank in Wilkes-Barre: "I'm a Democrat and I'm sick and tired..."

    Sue: "Frank, its' all your fault. Anything you can do to get my kids out of my house. It's time for a news break with Bud Brown."

    Bud Brown: "...(reading from the newspapers)...now it's time for Rush Limbaugh."

    A few hours later....it's Steve Corbett. "You better listen."

    Steve Corbett: "I have strict, concrete knowledge that the IRS can investigage these magnificant seven about spending taxpayer money at strip clubs, hotel rooms, room service. You better listen. Let's go to Bob in Nanticoke."

    Bob in Nanticoke: "I'm a taxpayer and I'm sick and tired..."

    Steve: "Hold on there Bob, hold on there, I'm sick and tired too. I lived in California, and this is the worst public scandal I have ever seen. Lets go to Bud Brown for the news...you better listen."

  41. Nicely done, 8:48.

  42. It is talk radio but the way those WILK know-it-alls cut people off is rude and obnoxious. Too bad it's the only talk radio in the area.

    Kevin: "I'm not condoning what those seven Luzerne County officials did with the debit cards. I'm saying people are making a big deal out of a few dollars when there is millions in dollars being wasted."

    Nancy: "I can't believe you Kevin. Every dollar they spent is taxpayer dollars. It's the principle. They spent taxpayer dollars at strip clubs, lap dances, and restaurants. Let's go to Abigail in Laflin."

    Abigail in Laflin: "I'm a taxpayer and I'm fed up..."

    Kevin: "Now wait a minute Abigail, I'm a taxpayer too and don't hold that against me."

    Abigail: "I'm not holding that against you Kevin, I'm just saying..."

    Kevin: "You're wrong Abigail and I don't like the tone of your voice. Let's go to Bud Brown for the news."

    Bud Brown for the news: "The Citizens Voice is reporting Santa Claus will be at the Wyoming Valley Mall until 9 each night. Another shooting in Wilkes-Barre, according to the Times Leader. Now it's time for the Sue Henry Show on WILK."

    Sue Henry: "Thanks Bud Brown. What a day this is going to be. Debit cards, Luzerne County government shutting down. And I'm a Republican. Let's go to Maggie in Shickshinny."

    Maggie in Shickshinny: "I'm a Democrat and I voted for Skrepenak and I want to say..."

    Sue Henry: "Well it's your fault Maggie. I'm a Republican and if you voted Republican, we wouldn't have this mess. Can you help me get my kids to move out of my home. It's time for Bud Brown for the news."

    Bud Brown: "The Citizens' Voice is reporting temperatures are warmer than usual, while The Times Leader is reporting another scadal at the Luzerne Court Courthouse. It's time for Rush Limbaugh..."

    After Rush Limbaugh, more news from Bud Brown:

    "The Citizens' Voice is reporting a drug bust in Wyoming, and the Times Leader is reporting the same drug bust. It's time for Steve Corbett, you better listen."

    Steve Corbett: "Thanks Bud, oohhh myyy, are we going to have a good time tonight. You better listen. All someone has to do is file a complaint with the Secret Service and they will come in and investigate the Luzerne County Couthouse. Let's go to Billy in Kington."

    Bill in Kingston: "I'm sick and tired..."

    Steve Corbett: "Now wait just a minute Bill. I'm sick and tired too. I lived in California. I lived in Wilkes-Barre and now I live in Scranton, Pennsylvania. You better listen. Now it's time for the news with Bud Brown."

  43. WILK wins. They have you mopes hanging on every word. This is local news talk at its best. Back to you, goofo.

  44. The Secret Service angle is priceless and legit.
    You hasbeens, wannabes, neverweres and neverwillbes really don't get it. By the way, Corbett doesn't talk with Bud Brown on the air. Why not apply to journalism school rather than wallowing in your frustration, evy and superficiality?

  45. Mopes is a good word. And some of you mopes truly don't understand the changing mood and tone of media, reporting and criticism. You sound more and more like this mope Watcher, who is the worst of the worst wannabes. That's right, mope, I'm talking to you.

  46. Of course I meant envy.

  47. Speaking of the Watcher, when can we out him or her?

  48. Is Walzer working? How does Iseman like the Ozarks?

  49. You really are an asshole. You also have no business on a site for journalists. You're a wannabe of the worst kind. We will out you.

  50. I don't have a radio. Who is "the watcher?" Who are the mopes? I are confused.

  51. Who is "The Watcher"? The Watcher is a pompous, hypocritical, multi-foibled, biased omitter of facts who started a silly blog, the stated mission being to "expose the collective pomposity, hypocrisy, foibles, bias and omissions" of the local media. And he has a massive, unrequited man-crush on Kevin Lynn.

  52. So the Watcher is Mike McGlynn?

  53. We will we will out you!

  54. Did somebody say Secret Service?

  55. You better listen!
