Monday, December 24, 2007

Connor: Debit card guys are innocent until proven guilty

In another rousing defense of vigorous journalism, Times Leader Editor Richard Connor writes that "the presumption of innocence in these matters would be a refreshing return to values of the past and gentler, less skeptical times." Skepticism. Who needs it?


  1. Before Times Shamrock bought the Voice, the Voice was a laptog because that's how it survived. Now Connor is the lapdog. He's trying to survive without a big corporate chain backing him. So cut newsroom costs, make nice, run every piece of fluff sumbitted, kiss up and lose journalistic integrity.

  2. Jen Andes Employee of the Month.
    Deserves it.

    County is a joke, taxpayers are ready to storm the castle, but Connor says the Emporer's (Skrep) new clothes are beautiful.

  3. Connor spends a lot time on his knees, doesn't he?
    I hope the money is worth it....

  4. This "RICH" Conner man will make me crazy. He is like Saddam's friends who say, no, no, everything is sweet. Send them to Savak prison for violated with dog prods! Mr. Clemens too.
