Monday, November 12, 2007

Frank Andrews Shumkus and Gabrielle Prutisto make it official

Former WYOU reporters Frank Shimkus -- who went by a fake name, Frank Andrews, much of his working life -- and Gabrielle Prutisto spent $370,000 (!) on a house at 61 Schoolside Drive in Throop, the Times-Tribune reported in the agate type last week. The very Rev. Andrews, or Shimkus, got elected to the House a year ago. Not long after, Gabrielle got a job in the House Democratic PR office. Crazy how that happened.

The funny thing is that the same day The Times reported the real-estate transaction in the court notes, it ran an item in the main news pages:

It’s BBC Day

"Today is Baptist Bible College & Seminary Day in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and in Lackawanna County.

"A statewide designation, sponsored by Rep. Frank Andrews Shimkus, D-South Abington Township, created the day in the Keystone State.

"The resolution comes as BBC&S marks its 75th anniversary this year and was passed unanimously by the state House of Representatives. The day comes “with respect for Baptist Bible’s leadership cultivation and community outreach,” according to the resolution."


  1. Former WYOU reporters Frank Shimkus -- who went by a fake name, Frank Andrews, much of his working life...

    It's called an "air name," and hardly fake.

  2. That's the best she can do?

  3. I wonder if the Rev. Shimkus preaches about fidelity and cheating on your wife/husband at the altar of his church?

  4. Give me a break. He's divorced. Plain and simple. Now he's free. As a couple, he and Gabby are not too shabby. Health and happiness, kiddies.

  5. Not too shabby?

    Are you blind?

    Or do you work for Frank?

  6. The bible also says something about judging other people. If they are happy let them be. Time will tell if they are.

  7. If you only knew the truth about F & G...

  8. No matter what the in-the-studio story is about F & G, fact is that FA has been divorced for many, many years. Hardly infidelity. On that note, who gives a sh1t about whom these people are hooking up with?

  9. From previous comment, what is the truth about F and G?

    I know his divorce has just been legalized.

  10. REV. Shimkus has not been divorced for many years.

  11. The Times-Tribune reported (in small type) the divorce of Frank Shimkus and Theresa Shimkus on Aug. 25.

  12. Wow are you off the boat. They have been separated for at least 5 years. Legal separation equals no infidelity.

  13. It does equal infidelity when he has been dating G. for 6 years. They couldn't let WYOU know.

  14. Nice try... she graduated from college 5 years ago. Get your facts straight before you post. This board is ridiculous...and to think most of those who look and are journalists. "Never let the facts get in the way of a good story."

  15. "Wow are you off the boat. They have been separated for at least 5 years. Legal separation equals no infidelity," 9:15 a.m. reports.

    Not to get into a flame war over where Frank Andrews puts his penis, but "legal separation" something that only exists in Internet personals. In the commonwealth, you are married until you are divorced.

    So, strictly speaking, he's cheating on his wife if he's giving it to another woman before the divorce decree is signed by the court.

  16. He's cheating her life away

  17. Who the hell cares?

  18. Looks like a spring wedding for Frank and Gabrielle. And they're doing it in a church.

  19. Why don't you just put a scarlet "A" on them? Or throw lumps of anthracite on them?
    Or, you can step out of 18th century.
    But I doubt you will.

  20. Has anyone noticed on Ch 61, Frank is touring the capital on his local show, and he looks wall eyed and his speech is slurred.
    Did he have stroke?Did something happen to him like an accident?
    He is usually very sharp and clear speaking.
    Hope he is OK soon.

  21. Here's the facts about Frank Andrews Shimkus:

    He's a disgusting piece of trash.

    He lived in North Scranton, in a 900 square foot home, with 5 kids, while he was making 6 figures at WNEP. Now he buys a 370k house when he forced his 5 kids to live in space that small when he had the financial means all those years to give them so much more?

    He never, ever gave his kids a dime. They had to earn everything on their own. Which isn't a bad thing, but when he DRANK away all the money, it is.

    Frank had to work as a PAPERBOY to make money after he was let go by WYOU back in 2000.

    He was NOT separated from his wife in 2001. He did not move out until 2004. She stuck by him during all his drinking, and the minute he got sober, and his life back together, he bolted.

    His kids don't even talk to him now. He is an irresponsible piece of trash that has ruined the lives of a lot of his family members due to his selfish me attitude.

    He wouldn't even buy his kids a functional computer when they were in high school, instead he had to get a used one from one of his son's friends.

    He's a man with zero morals, and no integrity. If he represents the state of PA like he did his family, and his previous jobs, we are all in big trouble.

    Rot in hell, Frank.

    1. I know this is an old article and comment... But reading this just made my day.
      I’m soooo tired of Frank on WILK.... I Can’t Stand him. He is a horrible hypocrite Asshole.

      Thank You for making my day. ��

  22. i agree and KNOW that everything that this is correct about FAS


  23. Wow-- you have issues. Go see a therapist!

  24. It's funny how so much is questioned on what FA preaches, but few are willing to go to the service to find out. He teaches about the new covenant of CHRIST.
    How judge not least you be judged, treat others as you would like to be treated. Those who are without sin-- let them throw the first stone.

    The service is open to whoever wants to go, and all are welcome to come with an open heart and learn.
    If you are approaching with bitterness and hate, you won't have an open heart. And you may not have room for GOD. For your heart can not have room for GOD if it is filled with hatred.
    FA preaches from experiences in his life, not condemning anyone, although when you listen to him you might ask --"how does he know this, it is like he is talking about me" when in fact he isn't talking about you but about himself.
    Who came up with the married in the eyes of the church, when in fact it should be in the eyes of the GOD. Before there were the church rules, people married in the eyes of GOD.
    If GOD has put people together and they love each other, who are we to doubt GODs will (or for that matter -- what HIS WILL is)?
    If we have learned anything from the world problems .. we should have learned to help each other without condemnation, without judgement and saying we know what GOD wants of everyone else. and that we will enforce GOD will as we see it.
    This sounds more like the terrorist of the world trying to force their views on the world as they see the world should be under the terrorist rule. Without love and understanding.
    Live and let Live, in peace, with love in your heart. without judgement of others and with GOD in your life.
    Just thought I could pass somethings along.
    Attend the services without condemnation and listen. If you don't like what is being said. You could always leave without trying to force your own views on others.

  25. What goes around comes around Frankie. How are you & Gabby going to afford that house w/ no jobs ? You don't honestly think she'll throw all of her money into it to save your a$$, Your a stepping stone for her career & you know it LMAO
