Monday, November 05, 2007

Cordaro/Munchak campaign goes after Times-Tribune objectivity

The Cordaro-Munchak campaign is circulating a letter to Times-Tribune Editor Larry Beaupre complaining that a newspaper executive has donated to the Washo-O'Brien campaign and that a co-owner of Times-Shamrock is law partners with O'Brien's uncle. Didn't this come up in the primary? Anyway, click above to read the letter to Beaupre from Munchak-Cordaro campaign boss Damon Bowen.


  1. Don't leave me hanging -- who's the executive?

  2. Gee, a newspaper has an agenda. Who knew?

  3. Wait. I thought TT was supposed to be this big right-wing Republican newspaper.

  4. Right, in Bizarro World. These doughnuts am delicious. That why me hate them.

  5. Coming next is a Chris Kelly column sarcastically belittling anybody who could possibly question Times Shamrock's objectivity or fairness.

  6. How can the people on this board, supposedly journalists, claim the TT "went afta" Cordaro?
    Had the TT not been watching him, the same people surely would have criticized them.
    On the local level, party matters little. Cordaro, recall, was a lifelong Democrat. Doherty, most would agree, acts like a pro-biz republican. Ah, the ignorant bliss of a black-and-white world.

  7. You have to be...let's say "perceptivity challenged" which sounds so much better than stupid to not be able to detect the anti-Cordaro bias in the TT. Like my parish priest used to say to us when he'd visit us at catechism, "Boys, you need to get your heads outa yer asses." It absolutely IS a black and white world in this instance. Cordaro is a Polish/Italian who's smart and who kicked the ass of Irish though not all that smart King Joe off the throne. It's been payback ever since. The Irish Mafia did it's job.

  8. That's right, the TT's BFF, Joe Corcoran is STILL SUING his good Irish pals the Lynetts and the newspaper for how nicely they covered him in his last term.
    Whose head and where, again?

  9. Times coverage of Corcoran's "Prison Scandal" put good ol' Gordaro in the majority.

  10. Our sinister scheme to further our dominion has succeeded beyond even our most fevered dreams!! Cordaro is vanquished!! Long live Mike and Corey!!!

    (rubbing hands together vigorously) MOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!



  11. 4:55...therein lies the confusion. Is it just stupidity that caused the TT to blister Joe's ass for six months before he was voted out but still endorse him? Or did Corcoran forget the secret "We're Irish and we have to stick together" handshake? You can claim that the TT did not have an anti-Cordaro bias until the cows come home (or until Castellani comes back from Harrisburg) but if you do you're either an idiot or you work there. (Heh, I just made myself laugh.)

  12. Endoresements haven't mattered since Eisenhower

  13. 4:02. Maybe you are right. The 30 percent tax hike, penning the illegal deal to inevitably sell the AAA Team, using county coffers as personal piggy bank for friends like Costanzo, spending $7M to move dirt around the courthouse and build fascists monuments, being subject of a grand jury investigation, humping the secretary pool, and being an imperial aloof egomaniac who perceives himself as above public questioning -- none of this is legitimate news. It's just the TT's hard-on against Italians.

  14. Since when is it bad journalism to go after shady characters? Cordaro is such a liar his dog doesn't come when Cordaro calls him to dinner.
