Monday, October 08, 2007

Not to beat a dead horse...

But it's embarrassing to see the Scranton Times-Tribune sit silently while front pages of every other Pennsylvania newspaper are exploding with the Louis DeNaples's attempt to shut down the grand jury investigation of his casino license. Click above for a selection of Philadelphia Inquirer stories from the last couple days. Go to the Times-Tribune's Web site for a seven-part history of the Poconos. And a cute picture of a deer.


  1. It's embarrassing to see the Scranton Times-Tribune sit silently while front pages of every other Pennsylvania newspaper are exploding with the Louis DeNaples's attempt to shut down the grand jury investigation of his casino license.

    Exactly what did you think they were going to do? The guy is powerful and able to step on lots of feet. If you're not the NY Times, you stay in your seat and do nice.

    Youse unnerstand dat? Good. Have a nice day.

  2. The low point will come in a few days when Louie opens his casino. Everyone else will write about the casino opening under the dark cloud of a government probe, while the TT cranks a fluff piece (personally edited by Murph, no doubt) about what a beautiful resort DeNaples has created.

  3. TT has never had any balls. Big Louie must have Murphy and Banana Boat by their balls -- that is if the two of them even have any.

  4. Who knows; the Lynetts have gone on a buying spree of late. Maybe Big Louie has a piece of Times Shamrock's action.

  5. "Not to beat a dead horse ..."

    ... then don't.

  6. Maybe the lack of evidence against DeNaples is part of the Lynett reaction.

  7. What a bunch of tin-hat douchebags you guys are:

    Oct. 4:

  8. To 2:21:

    1. That was a good story by Janoski in the Voice on Oct. 4 -- the one you linked to. Too bad it never ran in the Scranton paper.

    2. Still nothing in the Scranton paper about Uncle Louie's attempt to shut down the grand jury in Harrisburg. Silence. Pick up the Philly papers or check the AP wire to read the news.

  9. P.S. Great lead story today. Didja hear the news? I-80 in the Poconos can be gnarly! I'm boycotting until they put Bambi back on page one.

  10. It seems Mount Airy won't be opening on time, according to Dave Janoski's editorial board sit-in scoop. By the way, that's the Times-Tribune editorial board, not the CV. Looks like Janoski's been tossed this black banana -- good luck tap dancing around this one.

    Oh, and get a load of the flashing banner ad above the story. Gee, who owns North American Warhorse?

    Ad dollars worked for Sherwood,too.

  11. Page One, above the fold, baby.


    Last week, they said the Bishop dictated coverage. Then the Bishop wrote a letter.

    This week, they said the trash man laid out pages. Then HIS story runs A1.

    What will THEY say next week?

  12. Nice story today. Too bad half of it is a week behind.

    Read this story -- from today's Inky, natch -- for a more complete report:

  13. P.S. It's interesting how so many names were in today's Inquirer but somehow didn't make it into the Times-Tribune:




    No conspiracy here. Just lazy and timid reporting. It flows from the top.

  14. In this case, I think the horse's head may be cut off and put in somebody's bed.
