Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Rebecca Bria of the TL, we salute you

We're back from summer vacation with a renewed dedication to serious shit, just like the Times Leader editor who made Rebecca Bria write a story about Nordic walking, whatever the fuck that is. Be sure to watch the video if you want a little part of the reporter in you to die inside.


  1. You have to go look at the actual front page of the paper to see how ridiculous this is. The photo dominates the whole front page. Unbelievable.

  2. Dear god, the editor that made this poor person humiliate themselves should be staked out over an ant hill. With all the problems this valley is facing ie..a possible serial rapist/gang shootings and the utter destruction of the downtown area by yuppie (yea i know out of date term but think about it)scum bars ie Bert and Slurpies and Fudge not to mention the rising homeless and mentally ill wandering our streets that they could have come up with a better lead story than thin white girl on sticks....hey sounds like a Talikng Heads song...same as it ever was....doink!

  3. Rebecca did what she had to do. Sometimes you need to do a stupid story or two if you want to get anywhere. She didn't look bad in the picture and the photo showed what a silly thing walking with sticks really is without making Rebecca look dumb.

  4. Who is the editor who played this cruel joke on this poor kid?

    This is not one of those stories you do to pay your dues. There was no point to this. For shame on the TL for putting it on page 1.

    The article was published two days after Connor's "be nice to your new co-worker" column. Oh, the irony.

  5. That chick can push off my pole anytime.

  6. 4:25

    Classy, man, classy. Another chauvinistic comment by one of the chauvinistic pigs on this message board.

    How'd you like to have those poles given to you where the sun don't shine?

  7. To the editor who pulled this prank,
    please step forward and reveal yourself.
    We have prizes awaiting you:
    A framed photo of your victim walking around town, during the height of lunch hour no less.
    A lovely pair of Nordic walking poles.
    A full-color calendar, "Reporters in Embarrassing Positions."

  8. The TL seeks suggestions for this series, where reporters experience something new.
    Swimming in the Susquehanna would be a good one.

  9. This is an occasional series. Our reporters will go out and try something different or interesting and give you an account.

    Here's something new and unusual, TL: Try having a reporter write a friggin' NEWS story!

  10. I keep fit playing invisible tennis. It burns calories twice as fast as imaginary skiing.

  11. Well, excuse me for offering a sincere compliment to a cute young lady. I guess there's too many NEPA feminazis lurking about to watch out for politically incorrect thoughts. Rock on, Rebecca!

  12. "How'd you like to have those poles given to you where the sun don't shine?"
    5:37 PM, September 05, 2007

    You mean in the T-L newsroom? Must be pitch black in there if this is what passes for news.

  13. I thought this was kind of cute on a holiday. I wish we could do stories like this. You people don't understand the business. People want to read something light, too, and different. You've got to balance out all of the hard shit. This story was surrounded by reports of rapes and shootings. Grow up and stop being so miserable and shortsighted. If you don't know about balance, get out of the business.

  14. "If you don't know about balance, get out of the business."
    8:20 AM, September 06, 2007

    God, you're right. Thanks to you I've seen the error of my ways. I'm resigning Friday.

  15. some of these reporters-doing-dumb-things stories have been cute. this one was torture, for readers and, judging from the story, the reporter.

  16. This is what happens when you put people in charge based on their desire to retire in the Wyoming Valley rather than their journalistic chops.

  17. Maybe those people who want to stay in Wyoming Valley know what their readers want. Move on if someone else will have you.

  18. 2:52
    This is NOT want readers want. We can get this sort of thing on YouTube, and it's much more interesting there.
    If you think this is new, creative and interesting to your readers, you either do not know what your readers are saying or are in some sort of bubble.

  19. And it felt so good...

  20. Many of the TL readers do not have computers so youtube is out for them.

  21. Will everybody just move on? There are stupid stories in every newspaper every day. Big deal. Apparently this one got you folks blabbing. Move on.

  22. "Many of the TL readers do not have computers."

    Hmm. Somebody had better alert timesleader.com.

    You want us to move on again. "Move on folks, nothing to see here." Isn't that the truth about the newspaper.

  23. 9:03 and 9:04
    Some advice: If you want to put up posts under the pretense you are two different people, it's best to wait an hour or two before logging the second post, see?

  24. To me, the whole concept of this series is just stupid. When you send reporters out seemingly willy nilly and just say "try this, try that," it almost seems to damage their credibility when it comes to reporting the straight news. Perhaps it wouldn't be quite as bad if the TL had a full-time reporter devoted to these more or less fluffy assignments -- a personality, if you will. That way it doesn't look as ridiculous as seeing a girl at a council meeting one night, and pole walking on the square the next day. WNEP did it to perfection with Mike Stevens. Why are newspapers so afraid to have a designated "personality." Do they fear having fun will destroy their journalistic integrity? Why is "info-tainment" OK for TV, but not for print. To me, that is an issue very worthy of discussion.

  25. Connor has made the TL as soft as a marshmallow. No balls.

  26. 11:56
    You know, you actually have a very good idea there. You may want to suggest it directly to the TL.

  27. Here's a fun game: Let's have every paper in NEPA designate a "fluff news beat" reporter and then readers can try to guess which one it is.

  28. I have an idea for "What it's like ..."
    Have a reporter spend a day as Connor's proctologist.
    "WILKES-BARRE, Texas - I spent the day way up in Rich Connor's ass today ... again!"

  29. 6:38 and/or 6:37
    Getting better, but you really have to spread your posts further apart if you want people to think you are not the same person, see?

    Like, lookey here, I'll post right now, and then do so again, say, two huurs from now.

    That way it seems like there are more than five people who read and write on this blog, see?

  30. Does it matter if someone posts a minute after the last one and who's to say it's the same person? Don't you have anything better to do than to just sit in front of your laptop and check the time stamps on blog posts? Loser.

  31. "Does it matter if someone posts a minute after the last one and who's to say it's the same person? Don't you have anything better to do than to just sit in front of your laptop and check the time stamps on blog posts? Loser."

    ......You just did.

  32. Someone please tell me this one from the TL was just a joke....


  33. I'm not one of thos fancy persons who likes the marshmallows WITH balls. But who knows, they might be delicious.

  34. Poor Rebecca. That awful story will follow her around her whole career. When people google her for potential job interviews, that will be the no. 1 thing to come up. Unfortunate, really
