Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Walzer settles lawsuits against the TL

James Conmy of the Citizens' Voice reported -- four days ago! -- that Allison Walzer had settled her lawsuit against the Times Leader. Meanwhile, all is quiet in the TL. Amazing. It's too bad. The trial would have utter madness.


  1. This is distressing.
    The most overpaid editor in the United States of America got more money from the TL? Connor and the suits at McClatchy (whoever was responsible for settling) all need to grow a collective pair.

  2. Where's the followup on Connor selling Rusty property for 250g's

  3. Rusty? Rusty who? Rusty Wallace? Details and link, pls.

  4. connor bought a house and property for 1.2 mill and sold off a piece of the land for 250g's to Flack who is building on it.

  5. A bedpan is a toileting facility, usually consisting of a metal, glass, or plastic receptacle for urinary and fecal discharge. It is typically used in the case of bedridden persons. Many diseases can confine a patient to bed, necessitating the use of bedpans, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, apoplexia cerebri, dementia and laziness.

    Conventional bedpans can cause problems, because a steel bedpan is cold, hard and uncomfortable. Also, the supporting area is very small and prolonged use can cause pressure ulcers. To solve these problems, new ergonomic bedpans have been developed, which support the patient with a larger area of warm plastic. Some designs completely cover the genitalia during use, offering protection and an extra measure of privacy. In recent years, the new style bedpan liner(bed pan) made by recycled pulp (molded pulp) is more popular in European hospitals; it is low cost and also single-use, decreasing the risk of cross-communicated disease.

  6. It is apparent from the lack of posts on this site about major items involving the TL that the TL staff has moved on and no longer visits here. Good for them. I wish the TS folks would also get lives.

  7. Times and faces change fast in newsrooms. The TL has its share of longtimers, but I bet half of the newsroom doesn't even know who Walzer is, or care. And neither the longtimers nor the new kids on the block care about what goes on here.

  8. I have to say that the TL's coverage of the Walzer settlement was pathetic. Good Luck CV, I think you're back on your way.

  9. "It is apparent from the lack of posts on this site about major items involving the TL that the TL staff has moved on and no longer visits here. Good for them. I wish the TS folks would also get lives."

    6:39 PM, August 22, 2007
    Into which group do YOU fall, asshole?

  10. It does seem the TL is lacking in actual news these days. Lame on the hammer attack at the beauty salon.

  11. Big deal. The CV did a better job on one story. Look at everything else the TL did. The Ciavarella story, D'Elia.

  12. The CV has been scooping the TL left and right. The TL has been a day late too many times lately. what's up with that?

  13. Start keeping a daily count of who scoops who, every story, not just the ones you are interested in. You will see.
