Sunday, August 05, 2007

The TL's Fennick: I just don’t get this whole idea of protests and rallies

A newspaper editor who extols readers to show "good manners" and keep quiet when others are speaking. Iseman is rolling over in his grave.


  1. So, who the heck cares what Iseman thinks? He had reporters rolling over when he was in WB? What was more nonsensical than his wasted space column?
    Most of the reporters in WB are glad the creep is gone.
    I thought Conner put a ban on anything that might get his Spanish readers upset.

  2. Love ya, Renita, but you need to bone up on your American history. If everybody thought like you we'd all be taking our tea in the afternoon and speaking with a funny little lilt in our voices.

    (agree with 12:58, though. Who gives a rats bee-hind what that hack Iseman would think?)

  3. I think you folks are taking this a little the wrong way. What I read when I saw it was that she is stating the view that these peaceful assemblies don't seem to carry too much weight. Think about it. If they did, abortion would be outlawed. If they did, Democrats would be talking about ending the war in 2003 when all of those marches started. Read it again. She's not saying they are bad or wrong, just ineffective.
    Same thing with the one in Hazleton and Nanticoke. They did nothing to get the congress to listen and the judge didn't care too much about any of it either. So what do they accomplish?

  4. When did Ellen DeLesbian switch from talkshow host/piss poor comedian, to working for the Times Leader? No wonder why Anne Heche went back to the twigs and berries and left the bush behind. Thats a bad career move Ellen.

  5. If we're all missing the point, it's because she had none. She supports everybody's right to protest, but she'd never join one. The '60s confused her. She's against abortion, but would never picket a pro-choice event. If someone goes to the time and trouble to schedule a protest, you shouldn't ruin it for them. And so on. File it under "D" for "Drivel."

  6. Seriously, I'm pretty sure Iseman's not dead. Again, the appropriate metaphor here would be something like "Iseman is probably shaking his head."

    To be rolling over in a grave, someone has to be dead.

  7. Iseman is dead. Long live Iseman.

  8. Was that his son who was arrested?

  9. Whoever says that about Fenwick doesn't know her.

  10. Renita is a nice person.....but shes a person who should stick to stories about home canning,decorating your house year round,how to keep the spice in your love life those kind of stories..when she ventures too far out of her whack she comes off vapid,dense,out of synch with what is going on in todays society,you know like a person better suited to covering the Honey Pot Political beat....but sshes a nice person.

  11. Whoever you are, get over it. She got the job and you didn't.

  12. So, what you're saying is that a newspaper editor should not have manners and should not listen when others speak? Wow, that's a new one.

  13. Out of synch with what, the liberal media? Thank goodness the TL had the sense to let someone with a different political viewpoint write a column. You'd never see that in our paper. Good things happen when Iceman is gone.

  14. I'm amazed at all of these comments. I don't like her political views but I don't mind reading her column. If all of you people were honest, you'd see she has a point. Most of those stupid protests and rallies that we all have to cover are pointless and ineffective. Be honest, guys.

  15. Hey, I support everybody's right to protest even the illegals that are here but I'd never be caught dead in one either especially not in this heat

  16. Renita is one of the nicest people at the TL. She is smart and an editor who can sniff out a story when she sees one. She also had the sense to leave the CV years ago.

    I agree with 7:53. Get over the fact you didn't get the job. By the way, no one liked you to begin with.

  17. Her promotion is another reason the TL is dying. She agrees Connor's Republican establishment agenda, so she gets promoted. Connor will sell to TS eventually after he totally destroys the paper's credibility. The TL is an island surrounded by TS. He can't last much longer. He's done. His investers didn't let him buy that Philly alternative weekly because profits are keeping up up debt payments. He tried to stop TS from buying the SS. He couldn't. He's done. Fennick and the others will be looking to come back to the CV in a year or two. And why isn't Fennick in the TL ad campaign?

  18. What a joke. That column is embarrassing. It's worse than the CV "we support the community and the TL tears it apart" editorial from last year. The CV is now the respectable paper in town.

  19. You guys are still missing the point. Those rallies do not carry any weight. All of you are hypocrites because you know you are saying and thinking the same thing every time you are forced to cover them. What's new in Nanticoke this week after that rally? Either way, for or against these new Americans, it doesn't matter.

  20. I just gave her original column a second read, and I STILL don't get it.

    And it's obvious to me that SHE doesn't get it.

    Can just anyone write a column in this town? I thought you had to have a point--and be able to make it.

  21. this chick makes kelly sound like jimmy breslin.

  22. I get it but I donot agree. Protests are what moves this nation. She thinks people are wasting their time with rallies. That is what led the real anti-war movement. The 60s. Thats what it was all about. I guess she thought the people who changed this society wasted their time. How can a reporter be anti free speakch

  23. I think its a bad headline.

  24. I'm just glad it's not another anti-Hispanic column. I would like to start a debate.
    Do you think rallies and protests make a difference?

  25. Yeah, those nonviolent protests don't get you anywhere.

  26. As much as Iseman would've hated the column, I'd loved to see his reaction. He'd probably seek some punitive revenge by sticking her on a chicken dinner beat or throwing her on a couple of dick shifts. Then again, Iseman behaved strange sometimes, so maybe he'd have been thrilled with it.. One thing's for sure: he was a vindictive mofo

  27. Responding to (11:41 PM, August 07, 2007)

    The TL dying has got to be the biggest joke I have seen yet on this blog. For the TL to be dying in Luzerne County the CV would need to be flourishing. And you all can debate who has the better writers until the cows come home, but when you start using words like "dying" you are getting into the revenue and circulation game and I would like to see anybody on this blog explain to me how the TL is dying compared to the CV when the TL's Sunday readership is nearly twice that of the CV's and the revenue for the TL is more than twice that of the CV's. Quite frankly, if it wasn't for TS holding the CV's hands, it would already be gone. You know the thing about an island... its surrounded by a bunch of rocks stuck in deep water.

  28. 8:01 Depends if one views the changes as good. Not all changes were for the better but got swept in on the coat-tails. Seems to me that most of us now realize that - which makes it harder to effect any change.

  29. What's all this talk about how Iseman would punish somebody for a column like this? Does anyone ever remember anyone of his making any sense?

  30. 8:09 pm
    Here's your answer. No, rallies and protests do not make a difference. Violent protests and riots ruin neighborhoods and demean causes.

    Here's another uniquely American phenom that tends to be useless: petitions.

    And p.s. it's always striking how many obnoxious, narcissistic women-haters post on this blog.

  31. p.s.s You're not going to find many useful, intelligent, women-loving men working in print these days, are you?

  32. Maybe it wasn't her best column but it's much better than some of the other stuff that's in any of the local papers. Not every column is a winner no matter how good you are. Corbett was a good columnist but some of them were just so-so. Her column wasn't that bad. I've seen worse. From Fennick and from every other columnist in NEPA. Syndicated, too, if you want to go that far. I don't know her but people I work with who used to work with her only say good things about her. The guys who left the CV to go over there seem to think she is OK

  33. 8:09 you are one honest contributor. Nobody seems to want to address the issue of the column. Rallies are pointless. We all hate covering them. I worked with her years ago and she was just a reporter not a columnist. she was OK but I didnt know her too well. I hear that Iseman is the one who keeps posting nasty comments about her. That is just like him.

  34. Polite, normal, positive-thinking, well-balanced people have no business writing for newspapers.

    "If you can't say something nice about somebody...write a column!"

  35. 10:49 11:42 Bulls eye!

  36. ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

  37. Somebody should tell Renitas children and ex husbands to stop writing in to defend her...come on Renita lets see a good column on homemade pickles.
