Monday, August 13, 2007

TL loses summary judgment motion against Walzer

Former Times Leader Editor Allison Walzer can continue with her gender and religion discrimination lawsuit against her old newspaper, a federal judge has ruled. However, she can't include a retaliation claim against Richard Connor in the suit -- no big deal, since Walzer has filed a separate action against Connor alleging retaliation. Pray it all goes to trial.


  1. And here I thought justice would be served.

    Wrong again.

  2. Whether or not you agree with the lawsuit, expecting summary judgment to be granted at this stage doesn't make any sense. Such an award can only take place when BOTH parties agree on the facts of the case. Obviously, that is not happening here. Therefore, the court must err on the side of the plaintiff (as mentioned in the story). If things are as cut and dry as some think, then justice will be served...But, that justice may not be for who many think!

  3. Its sad that poor innocent children in this country suffer pain and an early death due to cancer and this piece of human debris who is the utter personification of the underbelly of the snake still chugs along, GOD forgive me but theres no justice in this world.

  4. Re: 10:33

    Summary judgment is not granted because "BOTH parties agree on the facts of the case."" Rather, summary judgment is granted when there are no material issues of fact remaining to be tried; i.e., there's nothing for the jury to decide. That is, the judge reviews the facts alleged by both parties and, giving the benefit of doubt to the non-moving party, either concludes that there are no issues of fact that a jury can find to support the non-moving party's case (granting summary judgment) or there are issues of fact that need to be resolved by the jury (denying summary judgment).

  5. Anybody know what's going on with Jenn Learn. It seems as if she's writing stories that would fall under Venesky's beat. Is he on vacation, or has he been given the permanent vacation? I know Learn's been itching to get off that county beat for a long time. Has her day finally come? Or is she just spelling a vacationing Venesky perhaps. Seems unusual to have somebody take over Venesky's cream puff beat while he's on vacation, if that is indeed the case.

  6. What fishing story did Learn write? I saw something in the paper today that she wrote about Urban.

  7. 9:45/9:30
    Your humor would have been more clever if you had referenced a fishing story in your first post at 9:30. C for effort.
