Monday, July 30, 2007

Times-Tribune continues to push on jail birth story

The Scranton Times-Tribune is talking about going to court to get documents connected to the recent birth at the Lackawanna County Prison. “We’re reviewing our options, because the taxpaying public has a right to know,” Larry Beaupre says. Kudos to the newspaper's vigor.


  1. I don't know whose head is up whose derriere at that paper. They crucified Joe Corcoran over the prison mess when he was commissioner, but they endorsed him! He lost of course and ever since they've had a hardon for Cordaro. Can't figure out their strategy at all without chalking it up to stupidity. The paper was responsible for Corcoran losing and yet seems they'll never be satisfied until goddamit, there's another hip pocket Irishman in there. What a joke. It's never been more obvious that Scranton needs a second paper. Times-Leader, get off your ass, they're ripe for the pickin'. The 4th generation is all coming of age at once and then their children after them, there's going to come a time when there won't be enough high-paying, month long vacation-taking positions to go around. They're about to collapse under their own weight as it is. Vigor. Good one.

  2. With Murph calling the shots these days maybe the TT can get sued twice for prison reporting that slanders someone.

  3. I hope they're able to get the records. This is a great story.

  4. The tax-paying public has a right to know? Access to open records has nothing to do with paying taxes, Larry.

    So Murph, which reporter are you going to crucify with this story? Here's a hint for the unlucky dope: when Murph says a source told him something, run for the hills.

  5. While the prison birth story has been nice work, the newspaper has been getting its clock cleaned by The Morning Call, The Daily News and everyone else with the grand jury inquiry regarding DeNaples and D'Elia down in Harrisburg. Embarrassing. The Times-Tribune should own any story involving those two.

  6. Yeah, the T-T is in a real big hurry to get some leaked accounts of grand jury testimony and print it. That's gone well in the past.

  7. Louis (Cc Lewis) DeNaples is protected from on high at that paper.
    Dunmore blood runs thick.

  8. See who makes Cultural Center donations, who sits next to whom on various boards of directors, and in the end who could buy and sell who.

  9. Louie should start a paper.
