Friday, July 20, 2007

The Pocono Record is also in the Dow Jones deal

Shockingly, analysts and observers have not commented that the Pocono Record is part of the vast Dow Jones empire that Rupert Murdoch is trying to buy. The Record ran a very brief item about the situation earlier this week. Would Murdoch keep the Record and other Ottaway papers? Or would he sell them? Who would be more interested? The Lynetts or the TL's super-rich out-of-state investors? Discuss.


  1. You begin to wonder how leveraged Times-Shamrock is right now, but if there's any room left at the inn the Record would be a natural addition to the T-S stable.

  2. Will Murdoch allow the Pocono Record to maintain its editorial independence? Enquiring minds want to know.

  3. The Record would be a natural addition to the T-S stable.

    That puddle of water in front of 15 North Main in WB is the TL drooling...

  4. Times Shamrock would want Sunbury, to cement monopoly in Northumberland. Pocono Record/Middletown too high maintenance.

  5. You all heard it here first: CV and Hazleton SS will become bureaus by 2008. Don't say I haven't told ya.

  6. The marginalization of the Hazleton staff already has begun. Check out their lame-ass web site, which only lists the top 5 stories of the day. On any given day 2 or 3 of the stories are by either TT or CV writers.

  7. Yes, every news organization wants to own the powerful media monoply of Northumberland County. Come on...

  8. Word, 4:29. I wondered if maybe 2:36 was joking.

  9. That would account for the 5 stories, as opposed to the two stories that were there prior to the purchase.

    4:06 pm is clueless.

  10. 4:06 -- seriously, the SS just didnt write anything before.

    As of yet, they didnt get rid of anyone.

  11. 9:41 and 3:03, you're both wrong.

    Shitty as the Web site and print product have been, they usually managed to generate 5 bylines stories a day to run on the site. Now the local staff generates maybe 2 or 3 and TT and CV the others.

    You guys miss math class or something?
