Sunday, July 01, 2007

National Journal writes about former Scranton Times cartoonist, debate of still vs. animation

This week's National Journal has a detailed take on the rise of animated cartoons vs. "still" cartoons. Prominently featured in the story is Walt Handelsman, the former Scranton Times cartoonist who now works at Newsday and won the Pulitzer Prize earlier this year.


  1. Umm...zzz-zzz-zzz?

  2. Paper or plastic?
    Briefs or boxers?
    Beatles or Stones?
    Ginger or Marianne?
    Red Sox or Yankees?

    Still or animation?.....Nah.

  3. Just more TS BS. I blame them for even giving him any chance to grow into a Pulitzer Prize winner. They're to blame.

  4. I do not like Heidi Ruckno as a person and especially dislike the tone of her articles.

  5. Hey, somebody gonna update something...jeez..Im bored...lets do it..

  6. I have a theory: because there has not been any new topics for the last week, maybe the operator of this blog was gone away on vacation. So, now we need to think of who was out of the newsroom the past week, then we could narrow down who is in charge of this site.

  7. You are one smart m*********er.....but which newsroom?

  8. Nice guess genius.

    I guess they don't have the Internets on vacation.

    Mike, Steph, Dave F, Joe Pez, etc. They all seem to post without missing a beat.
