Thursday, June 28, 2007

Walzer: The TL is filing stuff in court to use against me in the paper

The lawyers for Allison Walzer and the Times Leader continue to piss all over each other in federal court. Walzer's lawyer is mad that the paper's lawyer spilled the beans re: her "confidential" settlement offer of $2.5 million. In addition, he newspaper's lawyer has allegedly "placed extraneous and inappropriate material into its filings in order to create quotations from which it could litigate this case in its own newspaper." And so on. Click above to read the latest filing, which contains a mix of technical arguments and bile.


  1. $2.5 million!!! She should pay everyone that she crushed during her reign of terror.

  2. I have only heard horror stories about this chick. Never met her. Did anyone like her?

  3. I like [url=]Nike[/url] and
