Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Times-Tribune has most popular story on Obscurestore

Matthew Kemeny's story about the Scranton guy who shot his wife's computer after he caught her on MySpace picked up the most comments today on Jim Romenesko's Obscure Store Web site. Kudos.


  1. OK, why does a story that shows up on a Web site called "OBSCURESTORE.COM" warrant a special note on this site ..?

    And WHY do you throw a "kudos" to it?

    It came up on a site with the name OBSCURE in it ...

    Calling Webster ... OBSCURE .. means ... What ... anyone .. anyone ... Bueller ..

  2. Well, my boyfriend told me his younger sister said her friend's neighbor heard from his cousin that he never heard of OBSCURE.

    It's pretty serious. No problem whatsoever.

  3. Obscure Store is hardly obscure. Most of the working journalists in the U.S.A. look daily at Jim Romenesko runs the Obscurestore and links to it from the main site. Getting a story onto that site (I've sent him a few) is a bit of a coup.

    Kudos, Matt.

  4. Good job, Matt. You deserve it.

  5. you dissappoint me mr. nepamedia, the CV puts on it's thursday cover the death of vince mcmahon - and nary a mention? are you going soft on us?

  6. Looked like the SSES on the Voice cover Thursday. The wrestling story has been such a talker, though, I wouldn't have objected to top play. Here's a small gripe if you're looking for one: If either W-B paper were well sourced in the township, they would have been tipped to the stunt and would have covered the staged blast 'live' Sunday night for Monday's paper and blown the WWE's cover. Their PR people would have had a pissfit.

  7. Here's a small gripe if you're looking for one: If either W-B paper were well sourced in the township, they would have been tipped to the stunt and would have covered the staged blast 'live' Sunday night for Monday's paper and blown the WWE's cover.

    I don't know anything about this, but I wonder if they did have it and were asked to sit on it so as not to spoil the gag. Or if the WB Twp Fire and Police were told to keep quiet; after all, it was real early in the morning.

    I think the CV cover was brilliant; went along with the gag perfectly, just like a supermarket tab would have run it.

  8. The CV front was ridiculous. Stooped to an all-time low.

  9. Look, there's nothing else going on, Vince McMahon gets blown up in his limo on live tv; it's probably pro wrestling's biggest stunt ever and it happens right in your own backyard.

    So you go along with it, have a little fun. We're missing that around here. It shouldn't be a daily occurence, but neither should we forget that once in a while the ball comes over the plate just right and we have the chance to knock it out of the park.

    * * *

    Off-topic a bit, the best gag I saw on tv was up in Boston with the closing item on Hallowe'en. The anchor was pooh-poohing all the stories of witches and goblins when he said, "They tell us we will be punished if we don't believe, but I'm here to say it's all baloney." With that, he simply disappeared from the set. A great job of chromakeying.

  10. I agree. Totally ridiculous. I couldn't believe it when they were talking about it and planning to run it. That's why no one thinks we have a serious newspaper.
