Friday, June 08, 2007

T-T reporter's first-person piece about her trip to Africa

"My view of the world — and my place in it — will never be the same," writes Sarah Hofius after her three-part series following the work of nuns with the poor of Africa. Read on for the young reporter's first experience there.


  1. Sarah is nice.

  2. Boy, that book club blog was a real hit, huh? Note to TT: Don't try to start a book club in a region that doesn't read.

  3. The fact that it didn't go over well doesn't mean it wasn't a good idea. Kudos to them for trying something different.

  4. Trying something different?!? They stole the book club idea from Oprah, and so did about 300 other newspapers across the country. Wow, that's really taking a different approach.

  5. Gasp! A newspaper tried to see if people might actually read! Shame on them.
