Monday, June 11, 2007

Ed Christine is out

UPDATE: An e-mail allegedly from editor Larry Beaupre and posted here by a commenter seems to confirm that Ed Christine has left the building.

EARLIER: The rumor mill is reporting that Ed Christine is no longer the metro editor The Times-Tribune of Scranton.

In the interim, read "Surgeon, editor to face new challenges in China" -- a story written about Ed Christine by Ed Christine's wife.


  1. That is one moldy story.

    Anyone besides me think Christine looks like Dr. Cussamano from The Sopranos?

  2. "These fuckin' Chinese, they're all about four foot two and they run around like this (holds his fingers to his eyes to simulate slanted eyes) going 'yippity yippity ying' and you can't understand a fuckin' thing they say. And all these kids runnin' around with cleft palates? It was a fuckin' riot. We did plastic surgery on this one guy -- hey Wiz, guess this guy's name. He was Wun Hung Lo. I'm telling ya, the whole fucking country was fucked."

  3. I don't see Ed going quietly.
    I see tantrums, threats, emotional blackmail, actual blackmail, hidden weapons in his desk and a possible hostage situation.
    I don't see Ed leaving that building alive.

  4. That's Ed giving his mean/scary badass look. I haven't seen that since the last Brownie troop passed through the newsroom on tour.

  5. I used to work for Ed, the man is batshit-crazy.

  6. Well? Is it true?

  7. STAFF:

    By mutual agreement, Ed Christine is no longer with The Times-Tribune. In addition to his current position, John Murphy will lead the Metro Desk for the foreseeable future and consider organizational improvements.

    In his five years here, Ed was an outstanding Sports Editor and was instrumental in many accomplishments in our local coverage. Our decision to part ways now does not in any way diminish his achievements.


  8. Part of this e-mail got cut off. It should read....
    "Our decision to part ways now does not in any way diminish his achievements as much as Ed's presence has diminished this paper."
    See ya, you mentally unstable sadist.

  9. Murph is going to lead?

    That's the journalistic equivalent of replacing Paris Hilton with Linsay Lohan.

  10. Christine is not the disease, he's only the symptom.
    The newspaper will not get better until they can hire a professional metro editor and let him/her do the job. Will Larry/Murph let that happen? I mean, really let that happen? Doubt it.

  11. get rid of these two: Larry, Murph and they will come. Professionals

  12. Any live reports from the newsroom today? Comments from Beaupre, Murphy, Kelly, Go-lay? What was them mood at Penn Avenue? Any public pronouncements? How is Murf fitting in on the metro desk? Enquiring minds want to know.

  13. Anyone learn anything, or is gloating and acting like assholes the way to go? Way to betray your company. You're all paid well to be pros. Now, go be pros. Put this crap in your rear view mirror.

  14. Sorry to tell you, 7:27, but the people who used this Web site to help bring down Ed did more to help journalism than you ever will. The man was a journalistic cancer. Let's hope the TT managed to excise all of the disease before it spreads.

  15. "Way to betray your company"
    Yeah, but at least they helped preserve the integrity of their profession.

  16. The "real pros" weren't the few who bent over for Ed and Murph and posted all their whiny "man up" bullshit. It was the people who put up some resistance, got the truth out, some of them got perp walked or run out of town. Let them all gloat a little bit. Ed, Murph and Larry have had three years to gloat and fuck people over, thinking they couldn't be touched. Guess what, they can and they will again.

  17. """Anyone learn anything, or is gloating and acting like assholes the way to go?"""

    I think the real question is whether management learned anything through this sorry episode. I'm guessing probably not. It would be nice, though, if there was some statement -- not an apology, God forbid:) -- but some statement of regret, recognizing that people took a lot of undeserved sh-t the last two years, that good people were hurt and other good people were run off...and that we can all go upward from here. The word "mistake" is optional, I guess, but that's the general gist of what I'd be looking for. I'd like to know that they recognize Ed was grossly wrong for that job, but I don't know that Larry and John want to be that honest about the situation. I guess we'll all pretend that Ed resigned "to spend more time with his family." A little honesty would help heal the newsroom.

  18. Way to betray the company?

    I think the people who helped force Ed out did Times Shamrock a favor by preventing him from doing further damage to the company.

    So who really betrayed the company? Those who enabled Ed, kissed his ass, made excuses for him and laughed at his racist-sexist jokes and egged him on.

    And the two people who put him in that job who knew him well and were warned (by some of the senior reporters at the end of 2005) exactly what was going to happen.

    Talk about betraying the company.

  19. My sympathy is not with Ed Christine, it's with the people who had to work for him. He was simply unbelievable. Before shedding any tears for Ed, remember what he was like. He was the kind of guy who would make lewd comments about the teenage girls whose pictures ran in the sports section. A great leader and role model, in other words, and don't let Beaupre and Murphy tell you otherwise. Goodbye Ed, you won't be missed in these parts.

  20. I work there too. That racist/sexist crap isn't limited to one guy. It is right below the surface on at least one other middle manager I know. I also know that at least one of the women who must attend meetings with this guy is keeping a log of everything he says that is offensive in regard to race and particularly in regard to sex. It's an insurance policy so when the cost-cutting scapegoat of the week needle lands on her square and she gets told buh-bye, it is going to be one GIGANTIC fireworks show that from this vantage point looks like she couldn't possibly lose. I'm a guy. I can withstand an occasional off-color joke or remark but this guy even makes me wish the meeting had ended one minute sooner. Dead man walking. Can't wait to see what happens if this hits the fan. Don't say you weren't warned Shit-for-Brains.

  21. "That racist/sexist crap isn't limited to one guy. It is right below the surface on at least one other middle manager I know."

    Ed was a mentor to someone - who knew?
