Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Ouch: Scranton Times punk'd -- twice

Times-Tribune police reporter writes in a Sunday column about Art Franklin, a fictional character who has appeared in the paper twice in the last year. The first time was in November, when a Scranton firefighter gave the fake name to reporter Dave Falchek. But more recently -- and more damning -- a letter from Art Franklin was published on the editorial page on June 15. "Last Friday, The Times-Tribune mistakenly printed a letter to the editor from (guess who?) Art Franklin," Kemeny writes. In other words, the paper doesn't verify the identity of writers of letters to the editor. Nice.


  1. Bogus names getting into the Times Tribune? Incredible.

  2. Whose name is bogus?

  3. I knew Art Franklin. Art Franklin was a friend of mine. And you, haywood, are no Art Franklin.

  4. There are too many nasty TT people on this site anymore. Either that or Beaupre has too much time on his hands. Lighten up!

  5. How could the letter have been "verified" if the author does not exist?

  6. So we at least know the fake letter writer's phone number. How about a reverse search in the cross directory and naming the name of the miscreant?

  7. Dear editor:
    I would like to submit a letter. Please contact me to verify my identity. Thanks,
    Heywood Jablowme

  8. Um, actually the TT DOESN'T verify letters to the editor. They are given to Fat Pat, who then pretends to read them and then publishes them. They'll put pretty much anything in, too.

  9. Heywood Jablome has a storied career as a source all over the nation. Google his name and you'll see.
    I also read a story once about a Boston Globe reporter who went to South Boston to interview a gang of Irish street toughs. Only one of them would give the reporter his name, which appeared in print. His name: Pat McGroin.
