Friday, June 08, 2007

Allison Walzer goes all scorched-earth on Richard "I don't recall" Connor and the Times Leader

The shit is on! We're sorry to have missed this earlier in the week. But Allison Walzer is taking it to the next level. She wants to amend her lawsuit to include all kinds of claims of how Richard Connor is obstructionist, evasive, is dishonest or has amnesia.

"He testified, “I don’t know” 86 times, he said “I don’t recall” or “I can’t recall” 100 times and he
said, “Not that I recall” 28 times," Walzer's lawyer wrote. Much of the discord centers on Walzer questioning Connor about allegedly sleeping with subordinate Katherine McMahon or Katherine McMann (note to Walzer counsel: please pick one spelling) during his first stint in Wilkes-Barre, as well as allegedly having "sexual relations" with Debbie Price, editor of the Fort Worth Star Telegram, while Connor was publisher. Madness!

Click here to visit the nepamedia Walzer v. Times Leader page, where you can download all these filings, read them at your leisure, and even search for keywords!


  1. That is one Angry Itch.

  2. Delicious! In 1996, I interviewed for a job at The Fort Worth Star-Telegram. I did the sit-down dance with everyone but then Editor-in-Chief Debbie Price, whose glass-bowl office was noticeably empty. I didn't think anything of it until reporters, and even a few mid-level editors, kept asking me what the DME-types had to say about Price being MIA. Later, I learned that Price and Conner had had the well-publicized falling out over the Billionaire Bass Brotehr's Bio-Dome. And she had left the building but good. Ahhhh, your blog item brought back memories. Panther City out!


  4. Thank you, Mr. NEPA, you're doing a great service by keeping the public informed of this stuff.
    Any pictures of Price and McCann(sp?)?

  5. What's more repulsive - the thought of Connor having sex or Walzer having sex?
    Discuss (after you're done vomiting)

  6. What does any of it have to do with McHugh firing Walzer? If that stupid TL lawyer wants to know about why Walzer was fired he should check the list of people she and Iseman fired over the years. Next they should check the list of those who really messed up like sexual harassment and stalking who they kept.They should ask Walzer if she screamed at editors for running to many pictures of crosses during Easter. Hah.

  7. Wow this makes it sound like Walzer's the only female editor that Connor hasn't slept with. Maybe that's why she's mad.

  8. How is this lawsuit being allowed to continue in this manner? It is absolute madness. Sincerely hope the TL does not give Walizer a financial settlement, as she clearly is pushing. The TL should think about getting a dirtier lawyer on this to start playing Walzer at her own game.

  9. Evil woman. The anti-Christ...

  10. She's obviously insane.

  11. Regardless of what anyone thinks of Allison the transcripts are in themselves a good and insightful read. Question is, what do they say about the TL's current administration? How many times can a leader "not recall?" How can someone with such poor memory be expected to take a publication, which is to inform and serve the public in a truthful manner, to the next level? Where's the trust?

  12. 1:22 Are YOU insane? The issue here is in no way about Connor. Who in his right mind can blame anyone for responding the way he did in the deposition -- where Walzer's attorney was asking slimeball, goading questions as a set-up for a proposed $2.5 million hush settlement. I hope the TL fights this. NO SETTLEMENT. Evil should not be rewarded.

  13. 8:32: So, it's OK to lie under oath? Regardless of the types of questions - did he lie under oath? This isn't about defending Allison - it's about what was said - or in this case - not said under oath. It's really quite simple, you tell the truth or you don't. And this isn't a personal attack on Connor, but it is about how he responded under oath. It's all in the LEGAL transcripts.

  14. He didn't lie under oath, asswipe. That's the whole point of the standard "I don't recall" response - it prevents you from lying under oath and facing perjury charges. That's why scads of Bush administration lackeys use it.

  15. "Oh, Rich" she moaned, "Oh, my God, Rich, Rich, Rich."

    Her turgid breasts were heaving as her breath came in short gasps. She fumbled with his zipper until his turgid manhood was loosed.

    "Allison, let's never deny our feelings for one another" he panted as he mounted her like a stallion.

    Together they screwed--an entire newspaper.

  16. Doubt that Connor ever hit on Allison. C'mon, look at the women he likes.

  17. 9:16 That's what it's all about, isn't it? Deflect attention from Allison onto someone else. Are you Allison? Because you are doing a great job trying to make this about something other than your intimidation tactics and unprofessionalism.

  18. The TL lawyer is stupid. Just call EVERY person whoever worked for Walzer and you will have all the evidence you need to show she was incompetent, unfair, mean, discriminatory, crude, cruel and did I say incompetent? Poor manager. Lousy person. By the time everyone is finished talking the judge will chase Walzer and her lawyers out the door.

  19. My eyes seen the glory
    Of the Times Leader turn into a zoo.
    Connor brushed his teeth with Walzer's cock
    and swallowed the load too, too.
    We're taking down the Times Leader Jew by Jew by Jew.
    The Citizens Voice marches on

  20. Several ex-employees have already talked to the TL lawyer.

  21. for the record, McMahon is hot.

  22. Let it go, Allison, let it go. I repeat, "Let it go, Aliison, let it go." There's life beyond the TL. Se's insane, and should be thrown in the nut house w/ several other ex female TLers who cannot "let it go"
