Monday, May 14, 2007

TL sports writer Jerry Kellar has died

Jerry Kellar, 46, died in his sleep Saturday at the Plymouth home he shared with his parents before their deaths. A cause of death was not listed.

  • Sports editor Dave Konopki's Sunday column about Kellar

  • Bill O'Boyle's Sunday mainbar

  • The CV shows class by running a piece about Kellar and his work

  • Joe Sporano's midday note

  • Monday's obituary

  • Kellar's last column, a May 9 piece about the death of Cardinals pitcher Josh Hancock

    1. Jerry was one of the greatest people I've come across in my time in this industry, and I will miss him greatly. I became a stringer for the TL when I was a freshman in college in 1995, and Jerry took an immediate interest in helping me develop as a writer. He was a fantastic teacher, with a sense of humor I will never forget. I was the butt end of a number of his jokes, but upon visits back to the area and old newsroom, he was the first person I couldn't wait to see. Jerry Kellar is going to be an impossible person to replace in the local media world.

    2. What a hell of a guy. I will miss him. He was a great presence in the newsroom, always keeping it light while working hard at the same time. He would jokingly bust your chops, but he'd also be the first one to tell you "good job" on a story.
      His columns were brutally honest and entertaining.
      I'm really shocked. We'll miss you Jer.

    3. Jerry kellar was a class act. He was a good son, good friend, and a great writer. And what a sense of humor. He is definitely looking down from heaven today.
      God Bless Jerry Kellar. We were blessed to have known him.

    4. I didn't know Jerry well, and I didn't read his work closely. But I was struck by how he maintained an even keel in the madness of the Times Leader and never -- at least publicly -- let the bullshit get to him too much. As others have written, he was a pro. I wish I'd taken the opportunity to get to know him better. -- Mike McNarney, TL reporter 2000-2004

    5. Kellar showed an amazing amount of even keel, especially working across from that nitwit Todd Meyers all those years. Only somebody with the patience of Mother Theresa could tolerate dealing with him that long.

    6. Wow, it didn't take long for one, and only, classy and respectful forum on this piece of garbage Web site to sink into the regular name calling, pre-school behavior.

    7. Jerry was truly a class act. Thoughtful and generous in so many quiet ways. What a tremendous loss to the TL, and to his friends and family.

    8. Is Jerry still dead?

    9. Jerry did a lot of good things for a lot of people, but let's not go overboard. He also cut a lot of people down in cruel fashion. Not a saint

    10. I guess he's still dead.

    11. I wish Bill O'Boyle was dead.

    12. I can agree with that last statement...i find it appalling that he should write such a col. on Jerry being he spent so many years (Useless ones that is) at the C.V. deriding everything about the TL..and then go on to write such a maudlin, pandering piece of crap about Jerry like he did...Plain and simple Oboyle is the poster child for bottom feeders..always was always will be.....

    13. People, can't we all just get along here? Christ, this post was started as comments on the death of a fine reporter and even finer human being. And now we've got to start slamming other people? And to the "Is Jerry still dead?" poster. You make me sick. How dare you be so flip about the death of someone so many cared for. Regardless of whether Jerry was a saint or not, he was loved my many people who are devastated by his death. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    14. He should have taken Soprano with him

    15. Just wondering: did they fill that Penn State beat yet? I know somebody who's looking for a job

    16. Yeah i dont know how the sports section will go on without a column that kisses Joe Pa's ass for half a page. Thats the best thing to happen to the Sports section.

    17. Why isn't anybody saying what killed him? Cause of death, anybody?

    18. the impending PSU season where they lose all but 2 games and Joe Pa shits his pants during every quarter of every game because he is senile and thinks he can still coach

    19. Healey said it best "If Jerry Kellar falls over dead and nobody is there to hear the thud, does he really make a sound"

    20. For what it's worth, I thought Dave Konopki's col was great. O'Boyle's was so so. Clearly, Dave knew, respected, and liked him for what he was.

    21. Oboyle knew him when Keller was just a kid.

    22. Now Kellar can haunt Iseman and Walzer the rest of their natural lives

    23. 9:35 -- Why isn't anybody saying what killed him? Cause of death, anybody?

      Probably a coronary; they often happen in the early morning and he *was* a bit on the big side. Not that the family has to tell anyone. Just a guess on my part.

    24. Jerry Kellar hated Mrs Hodgsgens study hall laughed uncontrollably when she use to daily say,I hate you Jerry Winton.He was the inventor of the grass routine and loved his undersized mets hat.
