Sunday, April 01, 2007

Two Times-Tribune reporters tell their tale of doing stand-up in New York

A fun little first-person story from Scranton reporters Roger DuPuis II and Matthew Kemeny.


  1. Me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me.

    It's all about me. It's not about health care or jobs or how the gas companies are screwing us or how many more locals are dying in Iraq or the local crime rate, for Dog's sake. It's about what kind of car Matt drives and who was on the radio when he picked up Roger.

    Totally incredible.

  2. I'm pretty sure they cover all of the other stories you seek. Lighten up Francis.

  3. Right, the TT has the staff and space to cover all of those topics so exhaustively that they can afford goofball stuff like this.

    It's like Kelly handing out hugs at Christmas. What stories didn't get covered that day so he and Eric could play Borat?

    It's about people who'd rather goof off and take the ego trip than do the dirty work of, like, asking people hard questions and writing about it. No wonder this paper is hemorrhaging readers.

  4. Read Corbett's daily online WILK column/blog. It's better than anything in any of the papers, real metro stuff. Corbett's all over Scranton and at City Hall and on the radio live talking about news while Kelly spends his time with Daniels and Webster yukking it up about sexual dysfunction. I'm serious. Corbett's all over town just like he always was.

  5. you missed the point. he's a pro.
    he's good. he's doing local kick-ass journalism not just dreaming about it. like always. deal with it.

  6. Corbett and Kelly: It's the difference between a pro who knows his community, busts his ass every day and uses his job to make a difference...and a guy who commutes in from Clark Summit, doesn't like to leave the office except to talk stupid shit with the radio guys, and uses his job to try to be some kind of half-assed Scranton b-list celebrity. Maybe he'll get a cameo on The Office where he doesn't realize they're making fun of him. Not to mention the fact that he's such a management rumpswab. I can't even read his column any more, it's so depressing.

  7. Gimme a break, the guys did this on their own time. Good story, fun read.

  8. Totally aside from the question of whether they should have done this story or not....Did anybody edit this? Did anybody read it and give young Matt any guidance?
    I see it as a lot of driving and talking and eating, then we went there and then we did this and then we went back to the diner.
    Where's the freakin' comedy? Where's the one-liners, the zingers, the yuks, the rimshots? It's gotta be the dullest story ever written about comedy.
    You find out what Matt and Roger ordered at McDonald's but there's not a single joke in the story.
    What's that all about?
    A kid like Kemeny really deserves better from his editors. Send it back. Give him some ideas. Ask some questions. Rewrite it. Cut it.
    That's what editors do.

  9. Sounds like Ed and John "edited" that one. Kind of like the Hasidic Jews story.

  10. From Corbett's most recent blog entry:

    "Gatelli, who until now has been the Mayor’s most staunch alley, is taking issue with Doherty’s version of the facts."

    With alleys like her, who needs enemas?

    Badaboom (crish!)

  11. A typo in an unedited daily blog is an easy mistake. But you, you're a true talent. With experience you might one day grow up to be a real journalist.

  12. How many typos do you see in the TT, TL and CV, stuff that's supposedly read by two or three editors? A lot.

  13. Not to belabor the issue (and forgive the attempt to inject a little humor into all the vitriol), but mistaking "alley" for "ally" is not something that remotely deserves a defense. The best reponse is "oops, sorry," and then move on with the intent not to repeat it. Yeah, reporters and editors allow dumb mistakes to slip onto newsprint now and then. Professionals don't rationalize around them, though.

    In the end, nobody's prefect. Um, perfect. Sorry.

  14. Nobody rationalized anything. It's a mistake. Simple as that. Read Corbett's online columns, the first in this area. Totally online. He's good. Always was. Always will be. Have a nice day in the newsroom. WILK local radio is good. For the most part, the newspapers are are boring and getting worse.

  15. "Professionals don't rationalize around them, though."

    And true professionals don't gloat over someone else's typo, nyah-nyah-na-nyah-nyah, because they know that every day's newspaper contains new typos for someone else to gloat about.

    The issue was Kelly vs. Corbett -- who works hard, who gets out of the office, who works the town. And someone called attention to a Corbett typo in response. Kelly takes most of a week to write every column, then has the benefit of two or three editors-proofreaders before it sees print. He shouldn't have many typos. But he should have a more interesting, thoughtful, well-reported column.
    Have a nice day in the newsroom.

  16. zzzzz-zzzzz-zzzzz...

  17. I drove, I drank coffee, I drove, I ordered hash browns and coffee, I sat, I got burgers and coffee, I called someone in California you've never heard of, I drove, I drank coffee.

    Dullest freakin' story ever.
