Monday, April 23, 2007

Connor: Check out the new play about the Molly Maguires

Connor earns his columnist's pay this week with a Pa. piece about coal miners and a Texas piece (admittedly a retread) about a rodeo guy.


  1. Enuf mug shots of Rich already. Are you his PR agent or something?

  2. This site is an equal opportunity basher. The TL appears to be a bit too thin skinned. Just take your lumps and move along.

  3. From this blather, you'd think that Connor was the head of the Newspaper Guild, a leftist Irish-American and defender of the oppressed. Maybe it's time sombody at the Times Leader started organizing a union.

  4. So what about trying to organize a union at the Times Leader. That'll give Mr. Molly Maguire something to sing about. Such a move will make national news and help protect the organizers. What do you say? I'm in. How about you?

  5. No union then, huh?
    Just keep working for the man.

  6. Want to drive Connoir and his business partners nuts? Smoke 'em out. Organize. Long live the Molly Maguires.

  7. Sorry, I'm just so excited about plans for a union at the Times Leader.
    I meant Connor.

  8. Most of the employees would walk, too, instead of joining a union.

  9. That's because they're serfs. Yes master, yes Mr. Boss Man. More wine, Mr. Connor? And Iseman was one great waiter.
