Thursday, April 26, 2007

Beaupre: Running photo of Va. Tech shooter was the right thing to do

Times-Tribune editor Larry Beaupre responded to letter writers in a rare editor's note earlier this week. Scroll to the bottom to read it.


  1. The Times-Tribune used one of the pictures on the front page because we judged it to be newsworthy in that it provided a glimpse into the insane mind and character of the killer in the midst of the unfolding event and its aftermath.

    Welcome to the 21st century, Larry, where responsible journalists use the words "mentally ill" instead of "insane." We also take time to rewrite our run-on sentences.

  2. Running a picture of the Va Tech shooter?
    That Larry Beaupre is one ballsy dood.

  3. Nah, the dude had an insane mind, Beaupre got it right. Save the niceties for people who don't commit mass murder.

  4. "Mentally ill"? You're probably right.

    Although perhaps if we had fewer politically correct cowards calling themselves "responsible journalists" and more people who got out of the sixth grade without copying off the next kid's paper who know nut jobs when they see them, we wouldn't have glassy-eyed raving psychos putting down their guns just long enough to look up the zip code for NBC--and getting it wrong.

    How's that for a run-on sentence?

  5. How about letting us read your best story about mental illness, wiseass.
