Wednesday, March 21, 2007

What is Joe Kieta, formerly of the TL, up to?

Kieta, the onetime presentation editor at the Times Leader -- can you believe that paper once had a presentation editor? -- may be the TL alum who has gone the farthest in recent history. Kieta edits the Merced (Calif.) Sun-Star. And he blogs. Click above for details.


  1. Well, the TL, now has a new presentation editor .. and she is a breath of fresh air.

    In a way

    She has filled Joe Kieta's shoes very well ..

    How exactly she has done that ... I'm a bit hazy right now ... But when I figure it out ...

    I'll let ya know.

  2. Whhhaatttt's that?????

  3. The paper has been looking better lately. Is that why? Who is it?

  4. where is the wedding photo from? Gorgeous.

  5. Wedding pix at the vaugely porn-sounding:

  6. Since Mr. Kieta is no longer living in NEPA how does this have any impact on Northeast PA media news and gossip, which is what NEPA Media claims this blog is about?

    I mean do readers of this blog really care?

    Sounds like NEPA Media is hurting for topics to blog about, but then there are always the books. Did we ever find out what happened to the books?

  7. I'm a NEPA Media reader and I care -- but are you saying that NEPA Media is claiming to be a blog about Northeast PA media news and gossip but in actuality is a blog about Something Else??? I, for one, am shocked -- shocked! -- over this deception.

  8. I left the TL and have a successful business. I am the one who has gone farthest.
