Monday, March 12, 2007

Times-Shamrock interactive media boss named president of Irish group

Matthew Haggerty, a member of the family that owns the Times-Tribune, will be the next president of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. The keynote speaker -- a shocker -- is Bob Casey.


  1. Another spoonfed opportunity for a new line on the resume based on the incestuous nature of the Irish "mafia" in Scranton. This will be followed by a round of back-slapping and "harrumphs" by the elders of the clan with a grand to-do at the affair this weekend and then next year he will preside over their most important function of all, an alcohol soaked, case-at-a-time at their seats, special dispensation from not eating meat on Friday when it falls on a Friday during Lent, tuxedo clad boorfest of the good 'ol boys handing down the back-slapping and "harrumphing" mantle to the next generation of "entitled royalty" of NEPA. Speaking of which, they'll likely never run out of Casey's to speak at the thing.

  2. This is only for men. Real men who are role models for the next generation of women in the city and at the paper.

  3. The Times Tribune licks the boots of the Casey clan. Their pandering is disgusting.

  4. The Lynetts laugh at the rest of humanity. While they have more money than God, they lack the respect of anyone who knows them and especially anyone who has worked for them. The last laugh will be on us. The new generation poised to take over the Evil Empire will squabble with each other. It may have taken several generations to build the empire, but it will take less than one to bring it down. Good riddance.

  5. 10:48

    I take exception to something you said. They have slightly LESS money than God.

    Everything else is accurate.
